Message from @Brant

Discord ID: 527285751415570485

2018-12-26 00:43:40 UTC  

It only brings more war and death.

2018-12-26 00:43:42 UTC  


2018-12-26 00:43:44 UTC

2018-12-26 00:43:49 UTC  

My friend is 2nd generation and he doesn’t have much of any complaints

2018-12-26 00:43:49 UTC  

flip side to american and british behaviour, once you surrender we'll bust balls to help you and feed you afterwards

2018-12-26 00:43:52 UTC  

Let grudges go and try to form new relationships.

2018-12-26 00:44:05 UTC  

both the berlin airlift and the massive amounts of food flown into japan immediately after the surrender

2018-12-26 00:44:13 UTC  


2018-12-26 00:44:20 UTC  

And those people were seriously fucked

2018-12-26 00:44:27 UTC  

I honestly think there would be more casualties for Japan and United States if the bombs were not dropped.

2018-12-26 00:44:29 UTC  

Italy wasn’t as hard, but it was something

2018-12-26 00:44:31 UTC  

The war would go on for a long time...

2018-12-26 00:44:34 UTC  

Many lives lost.

2018-12-26 00:44:37 UTC  

The dragon realms discord is based

2018-12-26 00:44:37 UTC  

Civilians deaths.

2018-12-26 00:44:41 UTC  

Towns raized.

2018-12-26 00:44:46 UTC  

indeed. japan was down to 1500 cals per person by the time the nukes were dropped. there would have been starvation that winter had japan not surrendered

2018-12-26 00:45:03 UTC  

So the bombs were kind of a blessing in disguise for both nations.

2018-12-26 00:45:09 UTC  

Ending the war short from letting it drag on.

2018-12-26 00:45:10 UTC  

@Dusty Morgan there wasnt going to be an invasion

2018-12-26 00:45:19 UTC  

Allied policy was blockade and bomb

2018-12-26 00:45:31 UTC  

the dropping of the bombs also changed politics afterwards, wars like WW2 are a thing of the past because the next big shabang has the threat of even larger damage

2018-12-26 00:45:33 UTC  

Stalin’s was go the fuck forward

2018-12-26 00:45:40 UTC  

Exactly... bombs, death... civilians deaths, cities destroyed.

2018-12-26 00:45:47 UTC  

soviet advance on japan might have pushed an invasion. but iwth no external source like that they would have firebombed and starved japan into surrender

2018-12-26 00:45:51 UTC  

So yeah we probably would have lost Japan to communism

2018-12-26 00:46:31 UTC  

the two nuclear devices were used within that mindset, that the policy was blockade and bomb the japanese until the survivors sued for unconditional peace

2018-12-26 00:46:44 UTC  

timings were deliberate to give t he impression the US had a huge stock of nuclear devices

2018-12-26 00:46:50 UTC  

I heard Japanese tell me.... from perspective, dropping the bombs were actually a great thing. Because the Japanese wouldn't stop and there would been tons of deaths. United States would have to wipe them all out, every last one of them before the United States could declare victory.

2018-12-26 00:47:19 UTC  


2018-12-26 00:47:29 UTC  

Well I think you have to assume Okinawa, people thought the Americans were complete monsters. And we showed it by the bombings.

2018-12-26 00:47:45 UTC  

consequences of no nukes, would have been horrific. mass starvation, their cities then towns being burned to the ground

2018-12-26 00:48:00 UTC  

Almost all their cities would be destroyed, millions of civilians dead, hundreds of thousands of dead Japanese soldiers, and Japan would burn from the Naplhim campaigns.

2018-12-26 00:48:01 UTC  

depending on h ow stubborn they were, complete collapse of Japan and the Japanese civilisation

2018-12-26 00:48:27 UTC  

United States wouldn't come out of that without their scars too.

2018-12-26 00:48:33 UTC  

Used to be fried eggrorr

2018-12-26 00:48:35 UTC  

They would have been too weak to face Nazi Germany.

2018-12-26 00:48:48 UTC  

Now almorst best economer

2018-12-26 00:49:06 UTC  

as horrific as the nuclear devices were, and make no mistake they were horrific, along with the fire bombings, had they not been used and had the japanese not surrendered, the resulting casaulties would have been utterly horrific beyond our imagination

2018-12-26 00:49:06 UTC  

In all honesty, I think the world wouldn't have recover if United States were weakened.

2018-12-26 00:49:19 UTC  

Think about it, only reason we probably bounced back was because United States was rather intact.