Message from @DuckHead

Discord ID: 528626466041102339

2018-12-29 17:29:25 UTC  


2018-12-29 17:29:37 UTC  


2018-12-29 17:29:41 UTC  

As if one cannot move to another symbol and keep the ideology

2018-12-29 17:29:42 UTC  

Fun fact, more commie parties were dissolved for being anticonstitutional in germany than right wing parties of any kind

2018-12-29 17:29:47 UTC  

orange man threatening to close the border

2018-12-29 17:29:59 UTC  

he shut down govment

2018-12-29 17:30:20 UTC  

albeit as far as i heard, it means museum people dont get their salaries

2018-12-29 17:30:21 UTC  

Germany has no constitution

2018-12-29 17:30:34 UTC  

why museum thou ?

2018-12-29 17:30:45 UTC  

no tours

2018-12-29 17:30:53 UTC  

Poor museum people

2018-12-29 17:31:02 UTC  

They dindu nuffin ronk

2018-12-29 17:31:12 UTC  

@DuckHead well only a few hundret or at most a low 4 digit number of people voted for merkel.

2018-12-29 17:31:21 UTC  

Thats in ALL her elections combined

2018-12-29 17:31:26 UTC  

why would tours stop ?

2018-12-29 17:31:50 UTC  

In Germany people don't vodte directly for a chancellor, as hitler intended

2018-12-29 17:31:52 UTC  

why would you work if you knew you wouldn't get paid?

2018-12-29 17:31:54 UTC  

he is closing govnerment not museums right ?

2018-12-29 17:32:01 UTC  

Seriously, that's hitler's legacy

2018-12-29 17:32:24 UTC  

government. There's a lot of agencies where people are working without pay.

2018-12-29 17:32:50 UTC  

how do german officials get elected?

2018-12-29 17:33:00 UTC  

but why will they not get paid ... why museums ? cus it isnt like museums are democratic or left wing or that museums are against the wall

2018-12-29 17:33:12 UTC  

do they just have hell low voter turnout?

2018-12-29 17:33:13 UTC  

His plan was to make president useless, and chancellor all-powerful and pretty much only ever instated by a party (for which people do vote, buuuut parties can form coalitions too)

2018-12-29 17:33:25 UTC  

@DuckHead we vote people for bundestag. The bundestag elects the chancelor

2018-12-29 17:33:28 UTC  

@Kibec the museums that are effected are federally funded. They are government institutions

2018-12-29 17:33:57 UTC  

@4AM_critter 🐉 but there must be more government institutions

2018-12-29 17:34:31 UTC  

Yes there are

2018-12-29 17:34:32 UTC  

@Redneo thanks the more you know 😃

2018-12-29 17:34:53 UTC  

@4AM_critter 🐉 so why did the choose museums ? 😄

2018-12-29 17:35:51 UTC  

it's not a complete list but shows the major ones

2018-12-29 17:36:23 UTC  

@DuckHead shes also not that important. she cant veto bills, the only things she controls more than the normal member of the Bundestag is in regards to one of the secret service institutions and the governmental press releases.

2018-12-29 17:36:25 UTC  

"Nine federal departments will be shuttered as the government shuts down this weekend. They are:

Department of the Treasury
Department of Agriculture
Homeland Security Department
Department of the Interior
Department of State
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Transportation
Department of Commerce
Department of Justice"

2018-12-29 17:37:09 UTC  

"Other institutions have announced preparations for a partial shutdown. The Smithsonian said it will be able to use existing funds to keep its 19 museums and national zoo open to the public through Jan. 1."

2018-12-29 17:37:37 UTC  

@Redneo so chancellor as a title is more similar to a countries Prime Minister rather than the President?

2018-12-29 17:38:29 UTC  

Might be

2018-12-29 17:39:59 UTC  

Shed also be in control in a very limited set of emergencies, like a surprising defensive war on the terretory of the BRD(Bundesrepublic Deutschland, federal republic of germany).

2018-12-29 17:40:25 UTC  

fair enough

2018-12-29 17:41:53 UTC  

@AHeroQuest rieding the news about it right now and thansk to everyone btw :3 lets keep the conversation going 😄