Message from @Redneo
Discord ID: 542954946639953942
The GOPe (that's GOP elites) would rather see a Democrat in the White House than a Trump that they cannot control.
Who says they don't control him
He is a rich fuck
Honestly he has done well but he is no outsider aside from not being a career politician
Once he is a lame duck President, he's beyond their control. They don't know what he might do. There are 535 members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats. If we have trillion dollar deficits, useless wars, schools that don't prepare a kid to work a McDonalds, 60 million illegal aliens, porous borders, corrupt banks, corrupt courts, corrupts police and a failing middle class it is because those 535 people vote for it or refuse to vote to eliminate it. Trump might just take aim at all 535 of those individuals.
You should read Newt Gingrich's book. When Republican's took power after almost 60 years of Democrat control, he couldn't find more than 9-10 Republicans who wanted to lead. The rest said, being in charge is the worst thing possible because we'll be blamed. Better to be in the minority and wait for the Democrats to offer us enough pork for our district to vote for their bills than to write our own and have to bribe them to vote with us.
I mostly agree but I gotta run since my friend came out. Let's talk more later
**Mystz#2601** just left the server.
Anyone want to debate metaphysics?
this is bait m8
@KawaiiSamurai Wanna go at it?
no but I'll watch as I'm watching this video
I rejoined twitter with a new account
didnt take me 9 hours till i was calling into question wether children do indeed need mothers. We have the data about fathers, children do need fathers, mothers? We dontreally know that
and attacking gender segregated bathrooms but thats to be expected.
those women worsters think men rape in exactly the same way racists thought dark people rape
you actually think its possible that mothers dont contribute to their children's well being?
@Blackhawk342 i definatly know that we dont have data to back that claim.
And if we dont have data for it then it doesnt exist?
@Blackhawk342 no, we just dont know wether it does or doesnt
and the data that does exist shows that single mothers do worse than married mothers and single fathers do better than married fathers.
Comparison of Parenting and Children's Behavior in Single-Mother, Single-Father, and Intact Families
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Volume 29, 1998 - Issue 3-4 Pages 23-54
and the research cited therein
Sooo... the reason those troops are there is still a thing according to her.
Or am i misreading something?
she suddenly out of nowhere wants a section of the border without guards during trumps speech about border security... the timing is strange
almost seems like she needs to get something across the border desperately and secretly before a wall is built
token woman politicians
@Ranko no, token black politicians. We all know women are the ones that controlled politics throughout history, including the writing of the old testament, the new testamend and the quoran.
i wouldnt be surprised if she is in league with the cartel
former AG from there was accused with a formal complaint of collusion with the cartels and retaliations by someone
case is still ongoing