Message from @Hammond_of_Texas
Discord ID: 508700550297157643
I can smell you being a dirty gay
9/11 would bomb again good joke
+remove user @Don Corleone#4504
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You asked me to delete messages from a user, but I do not know who...
+remove user @crusaderkings3#0129
You asked me to delete messages from a user, but I do not know who...
Fuck sake
bleach my eyes
bleach my mind
just why............. i really miss natural selection
you ever have the moment where you think fuck it lets just nuke them fuck the innocent I'm doing the world a favour
Hey some some of you Whitey's might not know that sending screen caps of you using light mode gets you free rank.
lol thats gay
You say it's gay but hey, your loss.
<:heil:445315385340723211> <:buddha:437128928927154177>
@Hammond_of_Texas why don’t you do it record it and send us that video
Because he already has rank, you moron.
nutaku lol
@Hammond_of_Texas okay now its afternoon
hey i know that site, that's the thing that i always get ads for when i go on hanime
Using light mode makes you a faggot
Having a pfp after your name is gay
That's true
Shouldn't you be licking the windex off a window
That was weak