Message from @Kork
Discord ID: 508749385426010122
can i get an oof for moni?
fuck off ratking
that is true
So wholesome
Dont be a dong quest
I hate nobody lmao.
Kinda stupid to hate people.
I hate ratking
i dont hate him i just want the peepee
dont we all? @Kork
The APCS are so slippery in this game
Having any deeper emotion to this sever at all is big gay
Like wtf is going on here
I hate most people irl, but that's because I work in a customer facing role
@ó €€ó €€AK even if feelings are wholesome?
And my bf lolfire
Bartending makes you hate everyone
Nah I love it. Covered in sweat and drink, dancing away to tunes and making cocktails. It's like being paid for a night out.
Because customers are idiots
That sounds gay
hella gay
Let's walk through the average customer *snaps finger/waves money* "here can I get a drink? Kelly what do you want? Can I get a uhh harp, a strawberry daiquiri, a coke, another daiquiri and a Guinness"
Omg I love strawberry daiquiri
Or is that bad 😅
You should be ready, bartender will come to you, ask for Guinness, 2 strawberry daiquiris and a harp"
Yeah i heard any job where you have to deal with dickheads is bad