Message from @coattailsandbowties
Discord ID: 509164107480563730
Body builders are an odd bunch.
I've never really heard of anyone that doesnt have an apple phone needing to get their battery replaced a year/year and a half into having the phone.
the best thing you can do for a phone battery is to not overcharge it, and to let it run all the way down and then full reacharge every 2 weeks or so
@Reiko Real or fake I wonder
Yeah i usually charge my phone to like 90% then take it off
@σ σ AK idk bro
And once in a while i'll let it charge to 100%
My phone dies at 40% so I can't trust the cunt.
I charge mine while sat at my pc usually, or when I'm on it in bed, so I can check it regularly.
@lolfire mine dies at 1% and ive had it for like 6-7 years
My phone lasts about an hour on 2% battery
@εεγ₯εδΈ¨γε Yeah but my battery is literally *bulging* so I can understand it.
Then it goes to 1% and dies within 15 minutes if i dont turn EVERYTHING off
but nah the main crux for me with my 4s was the battery reader would fuck up, the phone would misrepresent charge so much. and every so often the reader would just shit the bed, my phone could be between like 30% and 50%, it would instantaneously drop to 1% and then a couple seconds later power down.
Nigga, less paragraphs.
Yeah, iphones are known for doing that kind of thing
and if I waited for like an hour and turned it back on, *suddenly* it would be back to the charge it was before
Yeah, its fucked
Hi muscle girl Jim
@Deleted User <:fake:437117551214985246> where tf her bra straps
@σ σ AK lol fire.