Message from @TERMIN8R
Discord ID: 509180001556627466
anarchism and globalism/internationalism have one thing in common, they both disregard the tribalistic hierarchal nature of mankind and therefore are both doomed to failure because they are not ideologies that advocate for something natural rather they advocate for something that is not natural
This discord is a hierarchal
Look at the ranks
Oh heck I'm out of Gulag
@VanishedA97 idealistic is the word you were looking for
thank you ruger
Dank is the dictator and purple fags are self explanatory
Dankula is the monarch
and this is why rat is a permawhitey.
A lot of governmental systems that give power to a very large number of people are pretty idealistic, because there's at least going to be a few people in that very large group that're better at, or more hungry for power than the others.
the purples are the nobles that do shit
Those who lead, those who follow and all that bollocks.
everyone else is just varying degrees of peasant
Purples are shit head secret police
@VanishedA97 much of the problems I have with democracy stem from that, it creates internal strife and divide in a country
well i mean you can try dictatorships
what form of government doesnt?
I think the UK Parliament/Ruler system works if the Ruler actually used powers still
Communism because you can't speak up
no system created by human beings lacks flaws
USSR under stalin had a weirdly low dissent rate
I've found a new favourite reaction img it's so beautiful
Problem with dictatorships is that, even though everything's united under one banner, they generally lack stability. Once you've made it to the top, you realise how many people want to kick you off of your tower.
there is no perfect system
@TERMIN8R because they put down anyone who disagreed with them.
sorry about this boys, but its the night before the election, i think its worthy of some general chat
ew it's an american
@TERMIN8R Disagreement? Did you mean Gulag?
heh I was gonna find that gif but eh lab work
Right lads and ladies. Melbourne Cup day motherfucker
It's literally impossible to ask a question in soy vc
ohlook, meme dump in general. I've *never* seen *that* before....