Message from @Turtle
Discord ID: 509290011846377473
Like foxes
So friendly to people but if they run off they can adapt back to the wild with no problem, also easier than a cat to litter box train
Better than foxes and minks
cat are wankers to be fair
Yes that is a problem but you can tame them to a reasonable behavior I believe.
Cats are gud
Raccoons love bananas and get violent over seafood, its like crack
Bored out of my head, just going into college the now.
I used to have a kitten named Charlie but my wife was terribly allergic and got pneumonia so we had to give him to a friend.
@Deleted User have fun. Learn something cool.
Why is a cat on a bed?
Ofc my dude, catch
why not
Because I let my cat into my room at night otherwise she goes crazy at the door
Cats are good farm animals, they belong in a barn, barn cats are best cats
And sometimes she'll stay and go to sleep at on my bed
Cats can go anywhere they damn well please sir. @PAS CANADIEN
says the man who had racoons
my cat is an outdoor cat
Also have some pictures of fennec foxes.
Raccoons i let sleep in my bed because they are practically toddlers
Well I'm sorry that I live in the city and there arent any barns in the general vicinity
Fennec foxes are like cats
foxes in general exist somewhere between a cat and a dog
House cats just depress me, they don't bring snakes or rats
Ruger out door cats are the reason for the giant stray cat populations.
7 tins of soup was a mistake
Narrowly avoided shitting myself on the way up to first lecture
Was it? Was it really a mistake torch?
you ate 7 tins of soup
He poured 7 tins of soup into a bowl and ate *that*
Almost shitting yourself is better than actually shitting yourself if you ask me.
@everyone cats are cuter than dogs but puppies are cuter than kittens
@everyone cats are cuter than dogs but puppies are cuter than kittens