Message from @SuperCoven
Discord ID: 509687536537567252
how did you fix it?
Gona yeet the collectors before i yeet the reapers
so anyway I just took the notch out, not bothered about having the detent in it anyway
I hope you lose just one person on the suicide mission
u wont lose me
I was looking at getting the 52 but ralfi's review put me off
Ive never lost a person on the suicide mission
I was actually going to remove it anyway before but never got around to it
its not to lateeee
I've got small hands and the main stick's top coolie hats/layout is meant to be pretty bad for smols
I may loose zaeed because in playing paragon shep and saved the refinery workers.
I've not had much problem with mine honestly & I dont have massive hands
In a way the asari are like the goblins in goblin slayer as they need other species to breed. <:kys:437239826392154112>
wonder if logitech will remake the x52 next year
seeing as saitek's theirs now
@The Last MethBender They actually don't tho
The asari can breed with their own but like to diversify their genetic code
I dunno, you'd think that they'd at least release up to date drivers and programming software for the existing one if they were planning a remake
or maybe not
batter dip the cranny axe in the gut locker
It's a nightmare getting the thing to work on any game that doesnt auto recognise it
When asari breed with themselves, the risk of ardat yakshi grows with each generation
thrustmaster stick always seems to get configured right off the bat
But thats why there are justicar @The Last MethBender
Most asari with the mutation are infertile but some actually kill thier partner when they mate if the mutation is too severe.
If they couldn't breed with themselves their race would have never made it to space faring
i dont wana beat around the bush put the u know wat in U know where
aw that feels great now
It would have died out in one generation
There is a codex somewhere in me3 mentioning that asari need to stop mating with eachother
Due to the growing numbers of them getting the mutations
the Australian Dingo is just a Dire Shiba Inu
im just a teenage dirtbag baby
Thats why there are shitloads of banshiea in me3
Big doggo