Message from @AK
Discord ID: 510928883693125662
Im not hearing a word against wagon wheels so we will leave it at that
@AK Usually mix cardio,squats and lots of other leg/ass focused stretches.
Jam wagon wheels are the shit.
I want a strong ass ngl Patrick type shit when he was doing ass workouts
I was defending stonetoss the comic artist from the label of nazi and this genius popped in
I am having rank withdrawal symptoms
@Dino Aye that is fair, get a bit thinner whilst upping the ass. Do the reverse for males and do nothing but upper body
i feel ill af
@TheMuffinMan sounds about right
I thought "soy is the best rank."
wagon wheels are in the shit tier of cake/biscuits
@Deleted User works on my machine
How many days a week should I do gym work, obviously not continuously you've gotta give your muscles a rest. Wednesday's and Fridays seem alright?
Soy is the best rank
According to you
Shit tier.
@CheekyOGNutZach this is why you're soy forever
Fig rolls are the best. I'm not even arguing anymore.
i have mathematical proof
@AK lowkey
fig rolls are god tier
with a cuppa
Fig rolls are fucking amazing with the ol tea.
@Potato Man dgaf
sounds too welsh
liked them ever since i was a kid and my nan gave me some
Irn bru is the best soft drink dont @ me
omg carrots and root beer are the shit tbh
Wales isn't actually a country.
Me nan got the plague
Never had a fig roll... Where do you get them ?
@Deleted User you consumed the rank of scat, so you had to fall down to soy.