Message from @nord
Discord ID: 511510090738565120
yeesh I feel better now
Missed two labs and two of my six reports of the year.
jesus, are you okay?
Good luck jeez
I'm honestly considering asking for an interruption.
@nord With the button, every time I press it is a guaranteed 15 seperate pings. A lot faster than ctrlv. Gary still has me beat though.
You guys all sound like you need to go on a long holiday in the Caribbean
Doesn't gary have a bot or smthn
gary's kind of painful
Eh I'm not a happy bunny, this has been well established.
Gary has some causality-defying bullshit ruger-magic macro
why has happiness just been fully left behind in human evolution
we all are miserable
nobody's happy i swear
that may be for the best, im guessing you went through school -> College -> Uni pretty much uninterrupted? taking some time out is great for perspective
Im pretty happy for now
Nah I took a gap year, worked for 9 months.
I mean this depressive episode has lasted like 7 weeks which is significantly past my previous record.
try 3 months
Less low than I was but not better.
I have bouts of awful surrounded by periods of less awful.
um someone near the top of whiteys has a furry PFP and is not marked
imposter syndrome?
i completely don't get it
I don’t get it
the fuck
Feeling like you shouldn't be where you are, that you're a fake and got to where you are based on cheating or other unsavoury means. That you don't deserve the opportunity you have.
when did this happen
@coattailsandbowties well that sounds horrible
That's imposter syndrome.
a waste of a good pizza
but what's the deal with this pizza
i know most of the DB lore but this is a mystery
also i'd like to report a furry PFP