Message from @Brisk
Discord ID: 513721527322279936
I am a kind mod
S l o w m o d e ? !
let me test this real quick
Anyways, anybody eat ass?
You're a fag, little bitch
anyways, anyone eat pussy?
Real men eat ass and/or pussy without hesitation, those who don't are fags :/
It's slowmode, and this is what you guys spend your precious comments on.
You wouldn't know whether to fuck a pussy, Ben, or slide it a saucer of milk you incel
@Creold because no discussion of quality takes place in this server anyways
old stoned man, 2 minutes is usual, plus edits
I'm high on life, I don't need those drugs for **V A G R A N T S**
Fallout 76 is good
I basically only like Nintendo so I've been screwed more times than I can count
1 minute
Anybody gonna play the new smash coming out? Ive heard good things about it so far.
wheres the gore chat
there was a gore chat 🤔
Thry probably removed Gore chat because it's against the discord community guidelines.
also whats with the 75sec
1:15 timer not 30
Shad help meh
Oh no
**Shad no!**
***Shad NOOO***
)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( [ )( ] your chromosomes are mine
What the fuck are you going on about @Brisk
suck your mom -deji 2015
@shitposter9002 i apparently am a waifu but im a guy so i guess im a fucking trap now
even slow mode can not stop whiteys being whiteys
just make it one message every 10 minutes
copy cat
Make it one message every hour for the whities only
We would have a lot of biographies to read mao big dong