Message from @Blitzbotv2
Discord ID: 515674484238319676
@Cow you don't like ap lux support?
Lux support is shit.
Lux is not a support
Velkoz is not a support
Brand is not a support
Brand is not a support
I fucking hate brand
Brand shits on botlane.
Shut up.
These are fucking champions in botlane that do not belong
Full AP supports make me want to genocide an ethnic minority.
Let me just 1v5 with R
Nani is the best support.
Change my mind.
I like nami
I agree
but lulu is kinda just better
She's god tier if you can okay her.
She feels satisfying to play and to play against
I like nami
Wouldn't say better than Lulu. Polymorph is strongest ability in the game.
Can't do shit.
I play Janna, blitz, and thresh mostly
petition for aatrox to come back
>11/1 aatrox ults into lane with the intent to rape your AD
Janna players need castrated
Honestly just mustard gas a migrant camp whenever some moldy wank cloth of a subhuman picks full an AP support
aatrox is pretty good right now actually
He's just different
Right brb
I fucking hate him
what about him?
Xerath support.