Message from @Based Rai
Discord ID: 515674334262460437
Why not
I don't play ranked
Which post?
I can never find time to buy titanic personally
You talking about race hatred
I don't want to self harm
Ah I see
Im too worried about getting armor or support items for my boosted team
People who don't okay ranked don't get an opinion tbh
@Cow you don't like ap lux support?
Lux support is shit.
Lux is not a support
Velkoz is not a support
Brand is not a support
Brand is not a support
Brand shits on botlane.
Shut up.
These are fucking champions in botlane that do not belong
Full AP supports make me want to genocide an ethnic minority.
Let me just 1v5 with R
Nani is the best support.
Change my mind.
I like nami
I agree
but lulu is kinda just better
veigar isn't a support
She's god tier if you can okay her.
She feels satisfying to play and to play against
I like nami
Wouldn't say better than Lulu. Polymorph is strongest ability in the game.
Can't do shit.