Message from @Based Rai
Discord ID: 515674822584434698
I agree
but lulu is kinda just better
veigar isn't a support
She's god tier if you can okay her.
She feels satisfying to play and to play against
I like nami
Wouldn't say better than Lulu. Polymorph is strongest ability in the game.
Can't do shit.
I play Janna, blitz, and thresh mostly
petition for aatrox to come back
>11/1 aatrox ults into lane with the intent to rape your AD
Janna players need castrated
Honestly just mustard gas a migrant camp whenever some moldy wank cloth of a subhuman picks full an AP support
aatrox is pretty good right now actually
He's just different
Right brb
I fucking hate him
Xerath support.
"Let's change him from autos into riven"
Like what
What happened to his lore with tryndamere
xerath support 🤢
I'd say he's more like xerath than riven
He is really strong
I hate aatrox
It's too much like riven but it's good
I feel so weird to have lvl 7 with him now
You don't really need to be accurate with riven, all you need are cancels
lore in league lmao
with aatrox you NEED to land skillshots
@Based Rai That requires skill
No you really don't
I just need to press q a bunch of times
Non tank top laners also make me want to curb stomp a Mexican.
You haven't played much aatrox since his rework then
Renekton and jax have been in the game since forever bro