Message from @Jim
Discord ID: 516305960537554964
upped upload size, and the new games things???
Got a big shipment off to the gulag
You issue the roles Jim?
@Burn Tiktok @ruf @♣♦Dr Mex DD PhD♥♠ @lockebreaker welcome to gulag, dunk your heads in the toilet you fucking retards
@Papa Benz I'm afraid I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that one brother. I think it's just trash. Cringe as fuck, terrible writing, and animation. Also is technically illegal in the UK because it has loli in it lol
some niggas just got deadass beand
Pakistano kufta to be exact
What did i do. First day
dont talk in nsfw retard
Typing in the porn channel you dribbler
as i'm gulagging people
and deleting their shit
“Duh what did I do!?”
Oh my bad
Tits or gtfo nigger
Nothing against you as a bakistani Hamza
lockebreaker comes in and types "what's going on"
But bakistan is ass chips
@Turtle your mom
You can agree or no?
For real that was a full retard momemt
@lockebreaker read the rules you autist
this is what nitro does, which you could find out if you could read...
@coattailsandbowties hey uh, fuck you ok.
Why are you people upset?
can i just hibernate until new arch echo is here
@Karpo because my hands are cold 😢