Discord ID: 442618177722253314
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wtf, I just had to rejoin the server. I got kicked and I wasn't even gulaged lol
Says the whitey lol
I heard that Petscop is good
@Aya LAN parties still exist. I went to one last year. It was full of BO and Fedoras but it was still fun
fuckin godbless helmets
Well yeah, Helmets and leathers are onetime use lol
Does anyone know if there's a reward system similar to IRS with HMRC in the UK? I know of several thots...
Ahh goddammit
When you report someone to HMRC, you have to put in a shitload of your own details
Even your NI number...
@Turtle It's a civil duty as well as a right
@Soupmeme Steven Toast (Matt Berry) - A hero lol
I mean Bill was pretty Sh(lit)
Kinda annoyed me how Biden was idolised as well. Like, that dude is a fucking nonce.
That Netflix show Nye did was honestly the cringiest shit I've ever seen
This is the level we dealing with lol
@Dimorac I wouldn't be shocked if it has tbh
Ya'll heard about the She-Ra reboot where every character is gay?
@Papa Benz I'm afraid I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that one brother. I think it's just trash. Cringe as fuck, terrible writing, and animation. Also is technically illegal in the UK because it has loli in it lol
I've heard it's good for insomnia as well
I've looked into getting some but I don't know the best way to take it. Most people say to get it as vape juice but I don't know if I can bring myself to vaping lol
Is TISM on tonight lads?
A man of culture I see
@TwinVickers Norm is literally god
He got his show on Netflix as well
Honestly I could just watch him read the shit jokes out for hours
Unfiltered Norm is best Norm for sure
He's just a genius because he is obviously super intelligent but now as he's aged, he just has this crazy old man persona and I LOVE it
Norm on SNL doing the weekend report though... Those fucking OJ digs killed me
Letterman was the the one that tried to push him more for that as well but he had a lot of respect for Letterman so maybe that's why he toned it back a bit
Letterman was trying to convince him to move to his network after SNL 'fired' him lol
Wouldn't shock me, there was a lot of crazy and confusing politics around that whole situation back then
Oh god yeah xD
I love people not getting him. He is just a total troll
You just know he gets home at night and laughs at everything he's done
Him roasting Sarah Silverman is a gem
5 more days until tumblr porno nuke lads
all that trap porn
all gone down the shitter
It is pretty much gonna die now
Even the emo teen girls have grown up and moved on now so...
What else was there? Fanfics?
all the traps are to be yeeted as well fam
anything remotely NSFW
That Ella Hollywood dude chick is posting NSFW to twitter now so
Twitter is just shit for multimedia anyway but atleast it's allowed
>implying Maggie was shit ๐
fucking riiip
Bookies are currently taking bets for JRM for next PM already
I'm pretty sure Boris will take it tbh
JRM has said on many occasions that he doesn't want it
If it weren't for that factor
My money would be on him
Fuck didn't think of the memes if BJ becomes PM. They will be glorious
Dude behind them cat memes is an NPC tho
fuckin rip
oooshit - A friend of several years has just blocked me because I called Christine Ford a lying cunt ๐
Elite Dangerous is the shit
The whitey genocide continues
I swear I grew up always calling them Visivests
I can vouch
He's the only Frenchie I like
bloody frogs
I like it
Pretty much
Didn't want to look racist so the cops just turned a blind eye
I live like right next to Rotherham and I have lots of friends that live there
You wouldn't believe how bad it is
Where the big first rape gang scandal came out
Fucking wish I lived near Rotterdam lol
Rotterdam > Amsterdam
It's not even the case of the rapes either
The entire area is being invaded
fucking mosques everywhere
You won't believe the shit I've seen muzzies do in England though
I've legit seen a goat get slaughtered in a public park during eid
Near a fucking jungle gym as well
I have a gun
I'm english
I have a gun
I have a up and over shotty for clays and that's it
England have guns
just no gun culture
over and under*
lol that's knife culture Tex
oh boy lol
Just come here for the memes boys
we all like dat boipuss
They gotta learn how awesome it is someday
Lots of people at the brexit betrayal march wore visi vests as well
Americans don't realise how lucky they truly are tbh
I'm jelly as fuck of americans
@Sceptazor XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
Oh boy, don't yeet me again. Already had to rejoin twice lol
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