Message from @TERMIN8R
Discord ID: 518215792806985738
You looks like you got inna fight with Micheal Jackson, loser her surgery.
shut id nut across the sea
@Crawfoot come into chat
i put her face onto my face
@Arabman123 why nigga
can some cunt undo my talk ban so i can shitpost by voice?
ASMR for black people 'having a dad'
ok then dont
ayy, time to crack open the advent calendar
Please, Dazzie, don't do this
@Crawfoot why have you watched all 37 minutes of boogie2988 tapping shit ASMR?
And so the endless padaru begins
I thought it was pretty good
No stop
@coattailsandbowties you're not a man of culture
i choked on salmon and went up my nose
i just spent ten minutes blowing out chunks of salmon form my nose
@Crawfoot no I'm not, but the *man* part precludes me from that statement
Is that sabre from fate?
It is
not the culture part.
@Cow however that meme is spelt
@TERMIN8R maybe don't be a so retarded
because asmr helps sleep
thats why
oh shit yeah no nut just ended!
undo my mutre