Message from @Crawfoot
Discord ID: 519006072355291147
It going down lol
Using snipers on the protests
It's anitfa v. nationalists, with cops sprinkled in the midst
Jesus Christ Sargons discord is more autistic than this place
whiteys rise up eEeEEE
That's hard to believe tbh
@Hammond_of_Texas is it?
You expected different?
Well it was about 30 minutes ago, and no I expect similar but not worse
Do any yall have the ricardo video? I need it right now
Which one, the soys on here have every one of them ever made
Tbh any of them
But the original would be nice
this discord is kinda like a family to me
i hate it
@Crawfoot shush faggot
I like most people on here
go to bed hammond
you sleepy cunt
I studied all day and I want to play rdr6
Or whatever number it is
lmao faggot Are yall havin a good day?
ive got a ton
if needed still
Sad life
@Crawfoot you of all people called me a faggot? Ironic
@Hammond_of_Texas faggot
Everyone that’s active around this time of day is gay