Message from @RidleyChozo
Discord ID: 661026579903938563
Or it could be anti-Santa shooting down the Santa-aligned US military
maybe they are still searching for the 24H sun there 😂
bcs it is not present in the original live cam recordings. Only the newer ones that popped up after we called them out on it....and those have been exposed now
We’re talking about something in 1947 my dude
Salty f_€kers
<:brain1:625749004579373076> <:brain2:625749040797057045>
@blacK join me if you’d like
I’m on debate
@🎃Oakheart🎃 is you bout to debate
One moment.
@A$AP Chloee rothschild party ^^
They are scary satanic.
No insults @Riley
@Kaptain you are muted temporarily
When the kid stops crying please tell me and you’ll be unmuted @Kaptain
He stopped
What are yall talking about anyway
@Kaptain please use push to talk
And we’re talking about the federal reserve