Message from @Deez Nutzz

Discord ID: 658541481040281601

2019-12-23 04:44:51 UTC  

Damn, you getting a little steamy there Question?

2019-12-23 04:45:43 UTC  

But yeah, you can still go from one side of the planet to the other by going left or right.

2019-12-23 04:47:08 UTC  

And if the ice wall is true, those greenhouse gasses make no sense since a lot of the wall would be melted now, and then the Earth will start to have a giant drought from the drain.

2019-12-23 04:56:36 UTC  


2019-12-23 04:56:41 UTC

2019-12-23 04:57:07 UTC

2019-12-23 05:26:52 UTC  

- Rey is Emperor Palpatines granddaughter.
- Snoke was created by Palpatine in a clone chamber.
- Palpatine was secretly amassing a giant armada of star destroyers with sith loyalists
- Palpatine tried to get Rey to strike him down and become the next sith lord.
- Kylo Ren turned good after Rey healed him.
- Kylo and Rey work together and destroy Palpatine once and for all.
- Kylo dies by giving Rey the rest of his life force.
- Rey takes on the Skywalker name.
- Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.

2019-12-23 05:27:56 UTC  

FlatSmackers Playlists Google Drive
All you could ever imagine showing the flat earth reality hundreds of links memes pdf's for laser tests @Aaron (Docks) @dev1nee

2019-12-23 05:28:04 UTC

2019-12-23 05:28:44 UTC  

- Rey is Emperor Palpatines granddaughter.
- Snoke was created by Palpatine in a clone chamber.
- Palpatine was secretly amassing a giant armada of star destroyers with sith loyalists
- Palpatine tried to get Rey to strike him down and become the next sith lord.
- Kylo Ren turned good after Rey healed him.
- Kylo and Rey work together and destroy Palpatine once and for all.
- Kylo dies by giving Rey the rest of his life force.
- Rey takes on the Skywalker name.
- Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.

2019-12-23 05:31:17 UTC  

why was I muted if I wasnt speaking?

2019-12-23 05:31:21 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:31:26 UTC  

I wasnt even speaking

2019-12-23 05:31:27 UTC  

I just wanted a coherent model

2019-12-23 05:33:18 UTC  

I was muted again and I was still saying nothing

2019-12-23 05:34:05 UTC  

I do it ok one at a time your mic was going off little

2019-12-23 05:36:07 UTC  

2019-12-23 05:36:49 UTC this person isnt a flat earther he does laster test often @Aaron (Docks)

2019-12-23 05:37:49 UTC

2019-12-23 05:37:53 UTC  

<@361633987002630144> what was your question?

2019-12-23 05:38:03 UTC

2019-12-23 05:38:29 UTC  

- Rey is Emperor Palpatines granddaughter.
- Snoke was created by Palpatine in a clone chamber.
- Palpatine was secretly amassing a giant armada of star destroyers with sith loyalists
- Palpatine tried to get Rey to strike him down and become the next sith lord.
- Kylo Ren turned good after Rey healed him.
- Kylo and Rey work together and destroy Palpatine once and for all.
- Kylo dies by giving Rey the rest of his life force.
- Rey takes on the Skywalker name.
- Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.

2019-12-23 05:39:44 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:39:54 UTC  

if the last jedi was actually good, these spoilers would trigger me

2019-12-23 05:40:04 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:43:22 UTC  

TLJ was terrible