Message from @Citizen Z

Discord ID: 658533397689270312

2019-12-23 03:10:11 UTC  

sorry but this is blatantly wrong

2019-12-23 03:10:54 UTC  

I live in a place where you can watch the sun sink *below* the horizon

2019-12-23 03:12:12 UTC  

like as in half the sun is clearly below the horizon

2019-12-23 03:12:34 UTC  

nothing like the gif at all

2019-12-23 03:15:04 UTC  

plus, why are all of these "proof" videos so low quality? Like I'm not accusing them of photoshop but I'm lying if I say it's not suspicious

2019-12-23 03:18:37 UTC  

Because they're zoomed in.

2019-12-23 03:18:47 UTC  

Plus it's hard for a camera to focus on that much light.

2019-12-23 04:28:18 UTC  

If the Earth is flat, how come I can go from NA to Asia and NA to Africa or Europe?

2019-12-23 04:30:14 UTC  

Guys I think I just debunked the whole flat Earth conspiracy.

2019-12-23 04:30:25 UTC  

Get nae nae'd idiots.

2019-12-23 04:31:42 UTC  

Unless there is some new teleporter on the sides of the world that teleport you from one side to another, and the flat earthers pull the teleporter straight out their asses.

2019-12-23 04:35:17 UTC  

FlatSmackers Playlists Google Drive
All you could ever imagine showing the flat earth reality hundreds of links memes pdf's for laser tests

2019-12-23 04:36:09 UTC  

If the earth was flat then the further we go left or right it would be like climbing a mountain, the magnetic force is in the center of the planet and if the earth was flat the closer we got to the edge the stronger the pull would be, the ground would feel steeper the further you go from the center of the planet, therefore the earth is not flat

2019-12-23 04:37:23 UTC  

This is not the flat earth Society we dont claim the same shit .we know you just got off the Vsauce Flat Earth video @liquid fire

2019-12-23 04:37:47 UTC  

I know, just trying to prove a point

2019-12-23 04:38:35 UTC  

Also it’s not from a vsauce video sped

2019-12-23 04:44:51 UTC  

Damn, you getting a little steamy there Question?

2019-12-23 04:45:43 UTC  

But yeah, you can still go from one side of the planet to the other by going left or right.

2019-12-23 04:47:08 UTC  

And if the ice wall is true, those greenhouse gasses make no sense since a lot of the wall would be melted now, and then the Earth will start to have a giant drought from the drain.

2019-12-23 04:56:36 UTC  


2019-12-23 04:56:41 UTC

2019-12-23 04:57:07 UTC

2019-12-23 05:26:52 UTC  

- Rey is Emperor Palpatines granddaughter.
- Snoke was created by Palpatine in a clone chamber.
- Palpatine was secretly amassing a giant armada of star destroyers with sith loyalists
- Palpatine tried to get Rey to strike him down and become the next sith lord.
- Kylo Ren turned good after Rey healed him.
- Kylo and Rey work together and destroy Palpatine once and for all.
- Kylo dies by giving Rey the rest of his life force.
- Rey takes on the Skywalker name.
- Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.

2019-12-23 05:27:56 UTC  

FlatSmackers Playlists Google Drive
All you could ever imagine showing the flat earth reality hundreds of links memes pdf's for laser tests @Aaron (Docks) @dev1nee

2019-12-23 05:28:04 UTC

2019-12-23 05:28:44 UTC  

- Rey is Emperor Palpatines granddaughter.
- Snoke was created by Palpatine in a clone chamber.
- Palpatine was secretly amassing a giant armada of star destroyers with sith loyalists
- Palpatine tried to get Rey to strike him down and become the next sith lord.
- Kylo Ren turned good after Rey healed him.
- Kylo and Rey work together and destroy Palpatine once and for all.
- Kylo dies by giving Rey the rest of his life force.
- Rey takes on the Skywalker name.
- Jeffery Epstein didnt kill himself.

2019-12-23 05:31:17 UTC  

why was I muted if I wasnt speaking?

2019-12-23 05:31:21 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:31:26 UTC  

I wasnt even speaking