Message from @RidleyChozo

Discord ID: 658547766552821763

2019-12-23 05:45:18 UTC  

it just doesnt add up. why would George Lucas write the plot for parts 7-9 and then sell the franchise to Disney, which dumped his ideas, only to donate the money?? sounds like Mickey held a gun to George's head and demanded a deal

2019-12-23 05:46:11 UTC  

@Aaron (Docks) your equation is wrong btw

2019-12-23 05:46:53 UTC

2019-12-23 05:47:06 UTC  

2019-12-23 05:47:23 UTC  

@Aaron (Docks) your equation finds height of pendulum not curvature

2019-12-23 05:48:11 UTC  

@Question For Your Life government in latin is imperium

2019-12-23 05:48:14 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:48:51 UTC  

Suppose that the earth is a sphere of radius 3963 miles. If you are at a point P on the earth's surface and move tangent to the surface a distance of 1 mile then you can form a right angled triangel as in the diagram. Using the theorem of Pythagoras a2 = 39632 + 12 = 15705370 and thus a = 3963.000126 miles. Thus your position is 3963.000126 - 3963 = 0.000126 miles above the surface of the earth. 0.000126 miles = 12*5280*0.000126 = 7.98 inches.

2019-12-23 05:49:24 UTC  

also ment in latin is basically the act of

2019-12-23 05:51:46 UTC  

oi why are the globe earthers muted lol

2019-12-23 05:52:28 UTC  

"In late 2012, almost a year after his death, reports surfaced indicating that Savile had committed sexual abuse against hundreds of individuals throughout his 50-year career, his alleged victims ranging from prepubescent girls and boys to adults... A significant part of Savile's career and public life involved working with children and young people, including visiting schools and hospital wards. He spent 20 years from 1964 presenting Top of the Pops before a teenage audience, and an overlapping 20 years presenting Jim'll Fix It, in which he helped the wishes of viewers, mainly children, come true. During his lifetime, two police investigations considered reports about Savile, the earliest known being in 1958, but none had led to charges; the reports had each concluded that there was insufficient evidence for any charges to be brought related to sexual offences.[10][11][12] In October 2012 it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, would investigate why proceedings against Savile in 2009 were dropped."

2019-12-23 05:52:44 UTC  

The Franklin child sex ring was a politically-connected child prostitution ring in Omaha NE during the 1980s. Children from all over Omaha, including the Boys Town orphanage and Nebraska foster care system, were kidnapped to be abused at sex parties. Republican powerbroker Lawrence E. King operated the ring and hosted these sex parties, which were attended by political and business elites in Omaha. He also flew these children around the country, particularly to Washington DC, to be abused by other rich and powerful men. The main purpose of King's pedophile ring was blackmailing politicians, government officials, businessmen, and media figures with proof of them having sexually abused children. King carried out this blackmail operation on behalf of the CIA, in partnership with Republican lobbyist and CIA asset Craig J. Spence, whose DC home he would often fly children to.

2019-12-23 05:53:12 UTC  

jesus christ why does this matter

2019-12-23 05:53:41 UTC  

isn't this the flat earth chat

2019-12-23 05:53:42 UTC

2019-12-23 05:53:55 UTC  

@Juulesmann so exposing pedo rings ran by luciferian government and satanic cults

2019-12-23 05:54:02 UTC  

Is not important?

2019-12-23 05:54:15 UTC  

ok i get it pedo rings explained flat earth

2019-12-23 05:54:26 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:54:35 UTC  

Don’t fucking joke about this

2019-12-23 05:54:46 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:55:02 UTC  

I'm telling you this is the wrong chat for this

2019-12-23 05:55:15 UTC  

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the
scientifi c literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. "

2019-12-23 05:55:28 UTC  

Everyone watch

2019-12-23 05:55:35 UTC  

n o

2019-12-23 05:55:44 UTC  


2019-12-23 05:55:45 UTC  

!ban @Knorrigen nsfw

2019-12-23 05:55:46 UTC  

2019-12-23 05:56:02 UTC  

LOL people are weird

2019-12-23 05:56:11 UTC  

They really are

2019-12-23 05:56:24 UTC  

The Franklin child sex ring was a politically-connected child prostitution ring in Omaha NE during the 1980s. Children from all over Omaha, including the Boys Town orphanage and Nebraska foster care system, were kidnapped to be abused at sex parties. Republican powerbroker Lawrence E. King operated the ring and hosted these sex parties, which were attended by political and business elites in Omaha. He also flew these children around the country, particularly to Washington DC, to be abused by other rich and powerful men. The main purpose of King's pedophile ring was blackmailing politicians, government officials, businessmen, and media figures with proof of them having sexually abused children. King carried out this blackmail operation on behalf of the CIA, in partnership with Republican lobbyist and CIA asset Craig J. Spence, whose DC home he would often fly children to.

2019-12-23 05:57:05 UTC  

how many times do i have to teach you this lesson old man