Message from @heatherman

Discord ID: 525538185963372544

2018-12-21 04:58:28 UTC  

@Maxalot don’t eat the fucking lump suckers

2018-12-21 04:58:32 UTC  


2018-12-21 04:58:39 UTC  
2018-12-21 04:58:44 UTC  


2018-12-21 04:59:04 UTC  

They just want to attach to something and chill

2018-12-21 04:59:13 UTC  

i can hear the ocean right now

2018-12-21 04:59:24 UTC  

So I can

2018-12-21 04:59:26 UTC  


2018-12-21 04:59:38 UTC  

Hey man, we've all got something

2018-12-21 05:00:08 UTC  

orcas are the scariest thing in the ocean

2018-12-21 05:00:08 UTC  

You think the ocean is scary now? Put yourself on a ship at 3am, no noise but for the crashing of the waves, no light because it's cloudy, and you're staring at the horizon for two hours during your watch. Literally any random sound will make you think Cthulhu has arisen and is about to drag you and your crew down into the abyss.

2018-12-21 05:00:30 UTC  

sounds like a dnd campaign @A Drunk Sailor

2018-12-21 05:00:37 UTC  

@heatherman man-o-wars are a bitch. Rip you

2018-12-21 05:00:48 UTC  

eh, just avoid them

2018-12-21 05:00:52 UTC  

easy to deal with

2018-12-21 05:00:52 UTC  

I respect the ocean far too fucking much to go on a fucking boat again

2018-12-21 05:01:00 UTC  

no sir

2018-12-21 05:01:04 UTC  


2018-12-21 05:01:05 UTC  

resect is not the same as fear

2018-12-21 05:01:07 UTC  

you are scared

2018-12-21 05:01:08 UTC  

Petty much yeah @heatherman

2018-12-21 05:01:17 UTC  

being scared is okay\

2018-12-21 05:01:20 UTC  

of water

2018-12-21 05:01:24 UTC  

no not really

2018-12-21 05:01:37 UTC  

no one can be called a bitch for being scared of the ocean

2018-12-21 05:01:42 UTC  

@MrCuttlefish you mean Portuguese Man o' wars

2018-12-21 05:01:43 UTC  


2018-12-21 05:01:47 UTC  

One time I was on watch with a bud, he was a creepy fuck. And it was on one of those nights. Then we heard what was probably a whale or something but sounded like a fucking leviathan, buddy goes over to the edge looks down and says "Something's alive in the deep dark sea."

2018-12-21 05:01:48 UTC  

you are scared of the ocean

2018-12-21 05:01:48 UTC  

Eh just gas the niggers

2018-12-21 05:01:50 UTC  

its a huge body of death water

2018-12-21 05:01:51 UTC  

like fuck that

2018-12-21 05:01:57 UTC  

Just accept that the ocean is on average 4 km deep and that there are a fuck load of things that can kill ya

2018-12-21 05:02:07 UTC  

@Chaveca yes I do

2018-12-21 05:02:21 UTC  

orcas though guys

2018-12-21 05:02:26 UTC  

they are scary af

2018-12-21 05:02:37 UTC  

I've been a sailor for five years, the sea scares me a little

2018-12-21 05:02:43 UTC

2018-12-21 05:03:01 UTC  

Why do I feel like

2018-12-21 05:03:11 UTC  

That says “if you don’t like trump”