Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 525653920639483905
Loooool i got the "please do shit for me because you love me" smile down pat 😂
has scats colour changed
It does occasionally.
"Please go assemble breakfast while I stay in bed"
It's mod policy to slightly change the scat green now and then
I kinda liked the shade that's just a tad brighter than this
To fuck with us
It gets me everytime
What else?
I prefer the last one
It chnaged back
Is that a rank beg
did it?
Nah, it's because your poo changes color sometimes.
The role reflects this.
"I prefer the last one"
I like you wanna be yellow again
You wish
Oh hey there it is
Still slag you
thats aids
Aesthetic as fuck
On phone best I can do
"vapourwave emerald"
Hammond do you hate me.
Thanks torch
nice name for it
revert it
This color
Can we get dehydrated pee for the soys
You want bright green, not mint or dark
Change soy colour to darker yellow