Message from @Sechesin
Discord ID: 525653814066544652
Same plane but capitalism
That the "sabre jet?"
I'm kinda shit at postwar murican aircraft
Yeah the F-86 Sabre
Loooool i got the "please do shit for me because you love me" smile down pat 😂
has scats colour changed
It does occasionally.
"Please go assemble breakfast while I stay in bed"
It's mod policy to slightly change the scat green now and then
I kinda liked the shade that's just a tad brighter than this
To fuck with us
It gets me everytime
What else?
I prefer the last one
It chnaged back
Is that a rank beg
did it?
The role reflects this.
"I prefer the last one"
I like you wanna be yellow again
hows it a beg
You wish
Oh hey there it is
Still slag you
thats aids
Aesthetic as fuck
On phone best I can do
"vapourwave emerald"
Hammond do you hate me.
Thanks torch
nice name for it
revert it
This color