Message from @Creold
Discord ID: 525719128426807308
I'm just badgering see if they'll do it
absolutely am
Green tea
It's nice. I'd just leave it.
Otherwise known as complaining
it suits craw for some reason
<a:SelfInsert:525606791095255040> <a:SelfInsert:525606791095255040> <a:SelfInsert:525606791095255040> <a:SelfInsert:525606791095255040> <a:SelfInsert:525606791095255040>
this color is triggering me...... i need a warning that colors will change
torch, you're a nigger
@AK tbh i don't think anyone even remembers the old greens
"I'm just badgering"
@YeetshirtNinja i need constant affirmation of my colour status
you sound like a whiney nigger then @Potato Man
Whitey Vc's dead
Sad nigga hours
thats what they do validate being a color
Whiney potato nigger
The only good whitey is a dead whitey
I can't commit toaster bath
No fuck you
@Hime-Sama literally no one cares bus boi
Greens rise up
@YeetshirtNinja ❤ ❤
3 more minutes of break time
@Potato Man come back to yellow whitey
<:taterYoda:445869703848525824> <:YEET:437238618608762900>
Soon Dazzie
@Gale that's a real tempting offer
After the free month runs out
When is that secret santa thing happening?