Message from @Strayan't

Discord ID: 525994167411671052

2018-12-22 10:22:04 UTC  

learn something new every day

2018-12-22 10:22:12 UTC  

When camping you can clean pans n plates with sand too

2018-12-22 10:22:52 UTC  

Prefer water<:context:438360887611359243>

2018-12-22 10:24:34 UTC  


2018-12-22 10:27:17 UTC  

where would you camp that had sand but not water

2018-12-22 10:27:25 UTC  

why would you camp in arizona

2018-12-22 10:27:31 UTC  

Fucking colours hurt my eyes

2018-12-22 10:27:45 UTC  

Mods need to keep adjusting everything on the server to feel relevent

2018-12-22 10:29:06 UTC  

oooo shiiitt mate

2018-12-22 10:29:43 UTC  

screaming mad bantz from the back of the bus

2018-12-22 10:40:06 UTC  

yeh cunt wooo

2018-12-22 10:40:57 UTC  


2018-12-22 10:46:12 UTC  

wish that watchdogs 2 dlc would go on bloody sale

2018-12-22 10:46:37 UTC  

only after the two story dlc's lol

2018-12-22 10:49:37 UTC  


2018-12-22 11:12:18 UTC  

so were whiteys able to everyone lastnight?

2018-12-22 11:12:30 UTC  

woke up to lots of red

2018-12-22 11:12:45 UTC  

Not sure

2018-12-22 11:12:48 UTC  

Lemme try

2018-12-22 11:12:50 UTC  


2018-12-22 11:13:02 UTC  

Choice, was nice knowing you lads

2018-12-22 11:14:28 UTC  

Sees christmas advert on youtube about a girl and her per cat. Girl gets

2018-12-22 11:14:58 UTC  

Cool story

2018-12-22 11:15:24 UTC  

so cats cause cancer is the message?

2018-12-22 11:16:18 UTC  

+kick @George Trenholm get pfp

2018-12-22 11:16:19 UTC  


2018-12-22 11:16:48 UTC  

Depressing christmas advert.

2018-12-22 11:17:21 UTC  

I did not cry

2018-12-22 11:17:39 UTC  

I like the cat design tho

2018-12-22 11:23:35 UTC  

Safe funes

2018-12-22 11:32:51 UTC  


2018-12-22 11:33:48 UTC  

<a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432> <a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432>

2018-12-22 11:33:57 UTC  

<a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432> <a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432> <a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432>

2018-12-22 11:34:07 UTC  

<a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432> <a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432>

2018-12-22 11:34:11 UTC  


2018-12-22 11:37:15 UTC

2018-12-22 11:41:16 UTC  

Nitro gay

2018-12-22 11:41:59 UTC  

Karpo fell asleep on his keyboard by the looks of it