Message from @Callie

Discord ID: 527108653623410689

2018-12-25 12:59:06 UTC  

There was.

2018-12-25 12:59:10 UTC  

There is but only nitrofags can use it

2018-12-25 12:59:12 UTC  

<:closet:524991660460081163> <:closet:524991660460081163> <:closet:524991660460081163>

2018-12-25 12:59:20 UTC  


2018-12-25 12:59:20 UTC  

Like that bitch

2018-12-25 12:59:26 UTC  

And that one

2018-12-25 12:59:28 UTC  


2018-12-25 12:59:31 UTC  

@Tea you beat

2018-12-25 12:59:34 UTC  


2018-12-25 12:59:36 UTC  

If n

2018-12-25 12:59:38 UTC  

It's still on the server list?

2018-12-25 12:59:39 UTC  


2018-12-25 12:59:42 UTC  

I'm what?

2018-12-25 12:59:56 UTC  

i too struggled to read that

2018-12-25 13:00:21 UTC  

<:drakeno:523218509048578089> whiteys
<:drakeyes:523218570742857728> literally anything else

2018-12-25 13:00:25 UTC  

got some home brewed wine for chrasmas

2018-12-25 13:00:44 UTC  

Dinner is in, time to relax for a bit

2018-12-25 13:01:07 UTC  

Should I get Nitro

2018-12-25 13:01:19 UTC  


2018-12-25 13:01:24 UTC  

2 games for free a month I don't see why not tbh

2018-12-25 13:01:36 UTC  
2018-12-25 13:01:38 UTC  

they're shit games though

2018-12-25 13:01:47 UTC  

In that case then nah

2018-12-25 13:01:58 UTC  

What other benifits are there?

2018-12-25 13:02:01 UTC  


2018-12-25 13:02:03 UTC  

i hate game subscription services

2018-12-25 13:02:31 UTC  

It's the day the earth stands still and we all die

2018-12-25 13:02:44 UTC  

you can uhhhh post files up to like 50mb (which is still pathetic) and post emotes from other servers

2018-12-25 13:02:46 UTC

2018-12-25 13:02:53 UTC  

Tbh I wanna come too pc gaming so then I can stop paying xbox and shit 😩😩😩

2018-12-25 13:03:17 UTC  

So emotes and shit posting... Fuck that

2018-12-25 13:03:30 UTC  

Who knows Lizardo well?

2018-12-25 13:03:33 UTC  


2018-12-25 13:03:34 UTC  

I have over 130 games on Xbox it’s gonna be hard to switch to pc

2018-12-25 13:03:53 UTC  

WELP. xmas got boring fast

2018-12-25 13:03:54 UTC  

What’s he getting me for Christmas?

2018-12-25 13:03:55 UTC  

Ahhh fair fairs, tbh I do have the same amount but I play about 4 games

2018-12-25 13:03:56 UTC  

just buy new games on pc and keep xbox for old ones

2018-12-25 13:04:07 UTC  

@DUB3R5 add me

2018-12-25 13:04:15 UTC  

gimme ur name

2018-12-25 13:04:18 UTC  

Only get PC equivalent games if you really enjoy playing them