Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 668543190491594755

2020-01-19 10:35:29 UTC  

that requires lust

2020-01-19 14:55:53 UTC  

How do y'all reconcile nationalism and Christianity?

2020-01-19 15:25:14 UTC  
2020-01-19 15:32:39 UTC  

@Master Yeet nationalism should be built out of love, not hate. The bible clearly recognizes the differences in people and nations.

2020-01-19 16:03:43 UTC  

@Master Yeet Nations exist to make the world more functional, the division of different groups simply exists for happier, and more functional lives for people

2020-01-19 17:41:02 UTC

2020-01-19 17:45:04 UTC  

@Eoppa What are some good chants you know?

2020-01-19 17:45:26 UTC  

Preferably in greek but english is fine as well

2020-01-19 19:09:52 UTC  

@Eoppa Who cares about the filioque clause

2020-01-19 19:10:16 UTC  

It's clearly written in the book of Matthew that there are essences and energies within God

2020-01-19 19:13:14 UTC  

The filioque was added to correct false doctrine in the western church. The eastern church had other heresies it had to contend with

2020-01-19 19:43:19 UTC  

@Shalopy Do you even know what the filioque clause was aboug

2020-01-19 19:44:11 UTC  

It had nothing to do with "correcting false doctrine" it was about whether or not the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son or not.

2020-01-19 19:45:18 UTC  

The Orthodox argument is that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone as an energy of the Father but not an essence and an energy

2020-01-19 19:47:47 UTC  

"Nicea declared the Son to be “light from light, true God from true God, of one essence (Greek homoousios) with the Father”. Constantinople declared the Spirit to be “the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father”. That is, the Spirit was not created by the Father as the angels were created, but rather proceeded from the Father’s very being so that He was as divine as the Father was."

2020-01-19 19:50:11 UTC  

That's how the creed originally read.

2020-01-19 19:51:35 UTC  

But Catholics like you have your heads so far up your own asses that you feel the need to change it for no reason whatsoever, tampering with the original creed and removing it's validity as an unchanged, timeless tradition.

2020-01-19 19:51:54 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:51:55 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:51:56 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:51:57 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:52:00 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:52:04 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:52:06 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:52:34 UTC  


2020-01-19 19:53:40 UTC  

Instead of listening to the church fathers that made the institution what it is today you listen to a man appointed by men instead of listening to men appointed by God.

2020-01-19 19:54:40 UTC  

"We Orthodox do not reflexively ask, “What does Rome (or New Rome) think?”, but rather, “What did the Fathers say?” For us, the first, strongest, and abiding authority is that of the patristic consensus."

2020-01-19 20:15:03 UTC  

The term filioque was first brought up at the Third Council of Toledo where the Visigoths in spain were rejecting arianism and accepting Roman Catholicism.

2020-01-19 20:16:25 UTC  

At the time it was officially added to Roman Catholic liturgy, there was still a great deal of arian heresy in the 700s

2020-01-19 20:20:33 UTC  

To clarify, I am not a Roman Catholic, I've just studied history on these topics.

2020-01-19 20:21:42 UTC  

I will say that the Eastern Church probably has got it right in regards to the Lord's Supper, simply saying, Jesus is present and leaving it at that.

2020-01-19 21:05:27 UTC  

```When the Greeks spoke of the “procession” of the Holy Spirit, they had in mind the Greek word ekporeusis, the term, in fact, used in John 15:26 cited above, when Jesus said the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father.” This term refers to the essential and “first” origin of the Holy Spirit, which, the Greeks had right, is from the Father alone. It is the teaching of all Christians, East and West, that the Father is the soul monarch, or source (arche) of the entire Godhead.
Greek has another term, proienai, which is used among the Greek fathers for the Son’s role involving not the “first” origin of the Holy Spirit; rather, the procession of the Person of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son that in no way denies the Father as first principle of life on the Godhead.
The Latins used procedit (“proceeds”) from the Vulgate translation of John 15:26 that has a more general meaning that can incorporate either ekporeusis or proienai in Greek. The Latins emphasized a meaning akin to proienai. Thus, the Latins never intended to deny the sole monarchy of the Father, while some in the East seemed not to be able to understand the Western concept of procedit.

2020-01-19 21:05:29 UTC  

2020-01-19 21:05:29 UTC  

2020-01-19 21:23:39 UTC  

The arian heresy has nothing to do with the filioque

2020-01-19 21:24:07 UTC  

And that large text wall just confirms that there's no point in arguing about a one word change.

2020-01-19 21:25:05 UTC  

It's just that the Latin translation implies the Catholic interpretation and the Greek translation implies the Orthodox interpretation.

2020-01-19 21:25:29 UTC  

And it even confides with the Ortho interpretation.

2020-01-19 21:26:22 UTC  

"When the Greeks spoke of the “procession” of the Holy Spirit, they had in mind the Greek word ekporeusis, the term, in fact, used in John 15:26 cited above, when Jesus said the Holy Spirit “proceeds from the Father.” This term refers to the essential and “first” origin of the Holy Spirit, which, the Greeks had right, is from the Father alone. "

2020-01-19 21:26:23 UTC  

2020-01-19 21:26:47 UTC