Message from @Electrum

Discord ID: 678177564975693844

2020-02-13 07:53:12 UTC  

I do contend tho, for whatever the worth, no country leader within the past two hundred years alone, have been called to the position of prophet. Brother Joseph was at his time, for the dispensation we all are still in, was a prophet, seer, revelator. Governor, militia leader, martyr & many, many more titles which us mere mortals shall argue about until his, Christ our king, comes to reign again. But until then...

2020-02-13 07:53:36 UTC  

"I am here due to a higher power, if I am necessary for anything. Leave aside that she is too cruel for me, the beatifying Church! I have never found pleasure in maltreating others, even if I know it isn't possible to stand your ground in the world without force. Life is only given to those who fight for it the hardest. It is the law of life: Defend yourself!
The time in which we live indicates the collapse of this idea. It can still take 100 or 200 years. I am sorry that, like Moses, I can only see the Promised Land from a distance.
We are growing into a sunny, really tolerant worldview: Man shall be able to develop his God-given talents. We must only prevent a new, even greater lie from arising: that of the Jewish-Bolshevist world. That's what I [must] destroy."

2020-02-13 08:01:55 UTC  

@Deleted User be those words of the fatherland's Fürher, I hereby raise my right hand and sustain heir Hitler to being a servant of God. Whereas I am merely a priest high a hundred years after, I cannot allot anymore power to him than what has already been agreed upon within his life. Therefore, I will not say he is on equal footing with George Albert Smith, who was the church president around that great and tragic time in our history. I go now to seek wisdom from said elder.

2020-02-13 08:05:15 UTC  

“I do not have an enemy that I know of, and there is no one in the world that I have any enmity towards. All men and all women are my Father’s children, and I have sought during my life to observe the wise direction of the Redeemer of mankind—to love my neighbor as myself. … You will never know how much I love you. I have not words to express it. And I want to feel that way toward every son and every daughter of my Heavenly Father.”

Chapter 2: “Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself”

2020-02-13 08:06:58 UTC  

Of course, this is what I get for trusting Google rather than looking up yearly numbers in the app.
@Deleted User if you could provide me the year Adolf said such kind words, I would gladly look to see who was presiding that year and fetch a quote from them as well.

2020-02-13 08:10:51 UTC  

27 February 1942

2020-02-13 08:15:42 UTC  

Thank you.

2020-02-13 08:16:18 UTC  

[In February 1940 President Grant suffered a stroke that impaired his speech and temporarily paralyzed the left side of his body. This did not prevent him from continuing in the work of the Lord. He worked a few hours each day, and he continued to give brief talks at general conferences for the next two years. On 6 April 1942 he delivered a general conference address for the last time. Thereafter, his talks were read by others. His final general conference address, read by Joseph Anderson on 6 April 1945, concluded with these words of testimony: ...]

2020-02-13 08:21:35 UTC  

Brothers and sisters whom read what I share, I sit here at the top of the stairs, alone in this level, save it for the still small voice of the holy spirit near, to once again testify. I read the quote as if hearing the sound of my own grandfather. Whom, ironically enough, was an English teacher in Burbank, California, during his formative years. I pray those reading such, would hear these words in their own heart as if kindly spoken by their own grandfather.

And if you've not a grandfather of your own to hear, this man has been kind enough to lend his credit to the role as all is well.

2020-02-14 20:30:41 UTC

2020-02-14 22:36:26 UTC  

Will you be my Valentine
To: Orthodox
From: Catholics

2020-02-14 22:56:16 UTC  

oh no no no

2020-02-14 22:57:05 UTC  

@Eoppa you

2020-02-15 01:45:41 UTC  

@Eoppa @Draško, I've got some questions on your interpretations of saints. Namely, how exactly do you, venerate them?
From an outsiders approach, it's often claimed, Catholics especially, worship saints as if they are deities.
I personally, do not think such is true, yet, again, with much reverence on this Sainted day, I would like some detailed clarification, please and thank you.

2020-02-15 09:34:23 UTC  

Saints don't exist.

2020-02-15 09:48:38 UTC  

we just dont worship them

2020-02-15 09:49:53 UTC  

we believe they are deified in Christ, however they dont actually have powers themselves. i usually just ask them to pray for us

2020-02-15 09:55:31 UTC  

Christians gay

2020-02-15 10:12:29 UTC  

Saints of Christianity are a bastardized version of order masters

2020-02-15 12:39:14 UTC  

these niggas...

2020-02-15 21:06:20 UTC  

I mean the bible is about as credible as a comic book lol

2020-02-17 01:01:25 UTC  

is christianity against abortion??

2020-02-17 02:25:17 UTC  


2020-02-17 04:12:20 UTC  

ok good

2020-02-17 14:45:19 UTC  

Abortions should be allowed as long as it's within the first 3 weeks of your pregnancy

2020-02-17 14:58:34 UTC  

Why do you call yourself a fascist?

2020-02-17 14:58:36 UTC  

Please don't

2020-02-17 14:59:05 UTC  

@kira why

2020-02-17 16:29:09 UTC  

@moira how is religion harmful?

2020-02-17 16:30:31 UTC  

An ungrounded system of belief or the metaphysical unjustified belief in the supernatural as a justification for the physical world

2020-02-17 16:30:55 UTC  

Alright, how would you feel if i were to define science as "satanic worship of Lucifer and his demons"?

2020-02-17 16:31:49 UTC  

You cannot define our ideas in reference to your evaluation of our ideas

2020-02-17 16:31:50 UTC  

I wouldn't care because the only people who would aren't worth listening to

2020-02-17 16:32:19 UTC  

The example is to illustrate that you can't define our terms for us

2020-02-17 16:32:37 UTC  

*Unjustified Belief*

2020-02-17 16:32:38 UTC  

The definition you provided was evidently formulated by an atheist, or an anti theist

2020-02-17 16:32:53 UTC  

Im assuming you believe the universe just popped in existence

2020-02-17 16:32:57 UTC  
