Message from @Oboe

Discord ID: 674997644451381269

2020-02-06 14:19:10 UTC  

a voter has his own self interests when voting, and that sounds like a reasonable thing until you look at it in practice

2020-02-06 14:19:31 UTC  

completely polarizes society and nobody give no fucks about each other but their own voter group

2020-02-06 14:20:21 UTC  

old farts will vote for anyone that makes their pensions higher, boomers will vote for anyone that isn't going to endanger their current wealth

2020-02-06 14:20:27 UTC  

1) Democracies always work, unless the Government is corrupt. What many people like to do, is to blame democracy for their country's problems, while they should be blaming the Government(s) they elected.
2) Solving these problems isn't as simple as you would like it to be, nor as simple as you think it is. No ruler in human history has ever been able to solve all problems of the society. Therefore, for these problems to be solved, the society needs a leader who can actually do their job. And here comes the question, who knows if they can do their job correctly? The answer to this question, is the SOCIETY, because it is it which has to deal with social problems. And what is society made up of? The people. Therefore the people should elecr their leaders.
3) Individual Freedom should always be attainable, but could also be restrained when it threatens the nation - but that's under extreme circumstances that we yet haven't witnessed.

2020-02-06 14:20:50 UTC  

@Draško Letting students vote for their teachers is a democratic procedure, but no Democratic system has ever done that.

2020-02-06 14:21:03 UTC  

The example you gave is purposefully full of flaws.

2020-02-06 14:21:04 UTC  

of course, i'm making an analogy as to how silly democracy is

2020-02-06 14:21:17 UTC  

when a voter votes, he doesn't have the best interest of society in his mind

2020-02-06 14:21:21 UTC  

only his own self interest

2020-02-06 14:21:31 UTC  

The analogy is false.

2020-02-06 14:21:54 UTC  

it is a bit of a stretch i'll be fair but you see the same line of thinking in voting for the president

2020-02-06 14:22:19 UTC  

I have to get to class, I'll get to you soon

2020-02-06 14:22:19 UTC  

if you gave the students the right to vote for their teacher, they'd vote for the one that gives the highest grade for the least bit of work

2020-02-06 14:22:56 UTC  

voters in a democracy think along the same principles, they don't care about the survival of the state or the people inside it.

2020-02-06 14:23:28 UTC  

if there was a candidate that promised to give all hobos housing and food for life at the expense of the rich i can bet you every single hobo would vote for him

2020-02-06 14:37:13 UTC  

@Koninos you realize that democracy isn't democratic, right? There is no way to best represent the will of the people when you have two factions that are loyal more to donors than they are to the People because every x number of years there's a peaceful revolution (election) that destroys the progress that was made under one side of the kosher sandwich

2020-02-06 15:18:15 UTC  

Serious political discussion is intellectual masturbation. Embrace retardation as the only serious way forward

2020-02-06 15:18:41 UTC  

Before you say this is a shitpost, I’m being 100% serious

2020-02-06 15:19:25 UTC  

I agree

2020-02-06 15:19:26 UTC  

I wholeheartedly support acting like an actual downy when confronted with any form of degeneracy

2020-02-06 15:19:39 UTC  

tard screech against the modern world

2020-02-06 15:19:45 UTC  

Thank you

2020-02-06 15:20:06 UTC  

They are fighting a war for your mind

2020-02-06 15:20:12 UTC  

But they cannot win if you have lost your mind

2020-02-06 15:20:29 UTC  


2020-02-06 15:20:45 UTC  

they will not try to conquer what they see as unworthy to conquer

2020-02-06 15:21:29 UTC  


2020-02-06 15:21:42 UTC  

Just be monkey

2020-02-06 15:22:14 UTC  

You misunderstand monkey

2020-02-06 15:22:43 UTC  

no yeah that's the point

2020-02-06 15:22:51 UTC  

if you are a tard they leave you alone

2020-02-06 15:22:58 UTC  

and then you win because of your tard strength

2020-02-06 15:24:21 UTC  


2020-02-06 15:46:52 UTC  

@Charlie H. Inkie in a way i agree with you

2020-02-06 15:47:06 UTC  

the only way to make change is to do the dumb thing in a political environment

2020-02-06 15:47:32 UTC  

because the masses are generally dumb and don't care about any high intellectual discussion

2020-02-06 16:23:43 UTC  

@Koninos Democracy institutionalises corruption. A ruler providing resources and privileges vastly disproportionately to his loyalists is usually considered corrupt historically, but that's the expectation with democracy, we just don't consider it corruption in the same way.

2020-02-06 16:26:12 UTC  

The main reason it seems less corrupt is because both systems are judged by different standards - with monarchic or oligarchic systems judged more harshly, or recategorising corruption as part of the benefit, eg. benefiting the majority (but this is rarely synonymous with benefiting the nation generally)

2020-02-06 16:39:52 UTC  

It’s more than that

2020-02-06 16:40:01 UTC  

I’m going to be a smartoid here for a moment

2020-02-06 16:40:31 UTC  

But when politicians get on stage, it’s not to inform the public, but to use sophistry to manipulate them into supporting globohetero