Message from @𝖃𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖗

Discord ID: 687449873486053436

2020-03-11 23:48:01 UTC  

That's why we regret putting ourselves in full body casts

2020-03-11 23:48:08 UTC  

Regret is the bane of your system here

2020-03-11 23:52:02 UTC  

i don't think of it as "perfect" or "absolute." if others help me in achieving what i want it's not so much authority as it is how i can achieve what i want. if i regret something i will try to fix it in what ways i can. but in general, if i can help it, i want to restrict what can hamper my will. I *understand and believe* that others exist with the capacity to exact their will on me as well and i respect that. i wouldn't want to restrict *others* will (if they're intentions weren't to harm me or those i cared about) as i wouldn't want them to do the same to me.

2020-03-11 23:52:29 UTC  

i'm not delusional that i can remove others abilities, just the *systems* that others put into place that restrict my will

2020-03-11 23:52:44 UTC  

The problem is your will is contradictory

2020-03-11 23:52:52 UTC  

Your will in the future is not the same

2020-03-11 23:53:05 UTC  

So in others preserving your future self they subject your present self

2020-03-11 23:53:20 UTC  

And yet you commend them for it because it is furthering your future will

2020-03-11 23:53:51 UTC  

This is horribly unsound

2020-03-11 23:56:26 UTC  

i'm not talking about abolishing *every single instance of my will being manipulated or constrained*. i'm not omnipotent. it's obvious to me that i can't literally do anything i can imagine so thinking that. It's not contradictory because i'm looking to abolish sources of authority that i can, i assumed you could understand that on your own.

2020-03-11 23:56:40 UTC  

i can't control time, and i can't voluntarily move through time

2020-03-11 23:56:56 UTC  

so saying my actions now will affect my future is obvious, i can only do that which is possible

2020-03-11 23:57:12 UTC  

That's not my contention at all though

2020-03-11 23:57:45 UTC  

My problem is that you would commend someone for preserving your future will, with and action now, right?

2020-03-11 23:58:38 UTC  

in that specific scenario i wouldn't object because that's what is helping my now. my intentions will change and what i want will change, and i accept that as a fact of the universe

2020-03-11 23:59:02 UTC  

Except it contradicts your current will.

2020-03-11 23:59:22 UTC  

Which you seek to eliminate, you don't have a sound system

2020-03-11 23:59:30 UTC  

if my will is to not kill someone and someone helps me, they aren't restricting me

2020-03-11 23:59:34 UTC  

they're aiding me

2020-03-12 00:00:08 UTC  

if i'm drunk, i'm not of clear mind and one could say that the intoxicants are restricting what i would want if i wasn't intoxicated

2020-03-12 00:00:22 UTC  

which is my default state

2020-03-12 00:00:25 UTC  

Well my situation is if your will now will put yourself in a full body cast, and someone preserves you...

2020-03-12 00:00:32 UTC  

So now you appeal to lack of perfect information

2020-03-12 00:00:38 UTC  

Which would apply to all times

2020-03-12 00:01:09 UTC  

The state will prevent unfair practices for example because if you had perfection, you would do no wrong.

2020-03-12 00:01:32 UTC  

But you are always subject to short sighted desire

2020-03-12 00:04:07 UTC  

i right now wouldn't want to be in a full body cast. my want = not be in a full body cast. others helping me from that means i will *not be in a full body cast*. i also don't know why we're talking about unfair practices or doing wrong. i don't believe that doing wrong is inherently possible (assuming we're talking about morally wrong actions.) "fairness" isn't always my concern.

2020-03-12 00:06:18 UTC  

> But you are always subject to short sighted desire
i'm not really sure what you mean by this. if i want at one moment to be healthier because i believe that it will improve my life (which is something i'd like to do when i can) then i will do it.

2020-03-12 00:06:26 UTC  

i wouldn't consider that a short term desire

2020-03-12 00:14:28 UTC  

@𝖃𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖗 except in a certain state of mind you *may* wish to be in one. People have, and you may too.

2020-03-12 00:15:11 UTC  

By unfair practices, I mean ones that involve an action where one party doesn't have the entire knowledge of the situation.

2020-03-12 00:15:42 UTC  

Such as "no you cannot sell beer with cyanide in it without putting it on the label"

2020-03-12 00:15:57 UTC  

Or making the purchase of heroin illicit and such

2020-03-12 00:16:40 UTC  

You make no viable distinction between a drunken state and a state of ignorance or nescience

2020-03-12 01:59:05 UTC  

This is an interesting read

2020-03-12 01:59:11 UTC  
2020-03-12 03:28:06 UTC  

sorry, i needed to do something and i have some of a head cold so i've been pretty tired today, but yeah

regarding these unfair practices, i'm all for a community or a voluntary gathering of people, all their through their own decisions and not coerced into going or being a part, deciding on rules that they feel are appropriate for the people in that community. For example, if a community want's to reduce the number of cyanide poisoning by deciding that within their community that people should label what the contents of their goods are then that's their decision.

in terms of distinctions between drunken states and states of ignorance, i think it's easy to see that drinking is (usually) a voluntary action and that those who drinks with them probably know who that person is and understand that he's not at his wits, that if he weren't drunk he would choose to do other than what his intoxicated self would. Ignorance, on the other hand, isn't voluntary and you generally aren't at fault for being ignorant. If, however, you had many opportunities to learn about something and then you make a mistake relating to that situation and you chose not to learn about it, then it can be that persons fault; although with this in real life it's much more complicated and there could be factors such as you not having the time to remove your ignorance, though you could see that as not having the opportunity to learn.

i think it's reasonable to have certain desires and things you want to do despite being ignorant in some things unless it deals with harming others for no reason, which i don't personally like or think is actually a practical way of living one's life. perhaps i should have mentioned this earlier, is that you always have to be practical when talking about freedom or trying to reduce what restricts your will, as living in a world where people are able to murder and steal all the time wouldn't be in my interest as i want some form of security. i believe that is achievable...

2020-03-12 03:28:17 UTC  

through voluntary organization

2020-03-12 03:28:39 UTC  

and not through an authoritative body that shouldn't be questioned or has any chance of dissolvement by those that this body governs

2020-03-12 05:41:09 UTC  

juche is a voluntaryist idea

2020-03-12 06:13:19 UTC  
