Message from @T e x
Discord ID: 528600765845995523
Oh hammond I took your advice on breakfast
**IT IS MA'AM** @Octavia
I don't understand handing around other people's memes when they're not relevant to the conversation
is that
biscuits and gravy
Well then you cant have any biscuits and gravey SIR
@zalfir You my boy are soy material
holy fucking shit octavia
biscuits and gravy with eggs on top
im cumming
Well yeah you need the yolk and uhhh
I didnt need that last bit
boutta uber eats something
those are southern biscuits
@Dandy Zerg The rate of kicks is telling me otherwise, I'm averaging 1 per 2 days of talking in General :)
Yeah southern buttermilk biscuits
What I said was hyperbolic but, you are whitey so expect it.
Cat head biscuits with warm molasses
I've never eaten cat @Euro Nigga
@Dimorac Now **THAT** is a woman
why hump a pillow tho
It's always interesting seeing a window into the lives of weirdos.
Why not @V3xxed_G1raff3
chris is proof satan is real
cuz you sleep on that shit
The internet is the greatest gift to humanity from itself since hygeine.
@T e x Chris is proof that a fatherless home leads to weak men.
i feel dizzy as fuck from playing gorn 3 hours straight
is this one of those cursed .gifs?