Message from @Hammond_of_Texas
Discord ID: 528600472601231381
i wish i knew, some politicians want to throw vaping into the same bin as cigs... morons.
@The Danger Zone <#418492743547879427>
Fucking retard
sorry dad
There's like 100 of you every day with shitty memes
Fucking idiot
the worst part is you don't even make them
where are your memes skelzeg
In my folder
Oh hammond I took your advice on breakfast
**IT IS MA'AM** @Octavia
I don't understand handing around other people's memes when they're not relevant to the conversation
is that
biscuits and gravy
Well then you cant have any biscuits and gravey SIR
@zalfir You my boy are soy material
holy fucking shit octavia
biscuits and gravy with eggs on top
im cumming
Well yeah you need the yolk and uhhh
I didnt need that last bit
boutta uber eats something
wait are u from the states
those are southern biscuits
@Dandy Zerg The rate of kicks is telling me otherwise, I'm averaging 1 per 2 days of talking in General :)
Yeah southern buttermilk biscuits
What I said was hyperbolic but, you are whitey so expect it.
Cat head biscuits with warm molasses
I've never eaten cat @Euro Nigga