Message from @Kai
Discord ID: 528888255664357376
your dad loves your tunes
He's listening to really shitty electro and rap
F to anyone in Michigan
What if I cyber bully someone from a different state tho?
I have no idea.
Like, in Oregon bully someone in Michigan?
Is it sucks to suck?
just wait until they call criticism of politicians "cyber-bullying" easy way to silent dissent
"Cyberbullying can cause just as much trauma as traditional bullying so it's important that it be considered a crime,"
bullshit, I'd much rather be called a faggot than get the shit kicked out of me again
nigga just turn aff the phone
im telling you, do you want a SJW running the internet or someone like me
because right now gays and SJWs are trying to run the internet
did it how?
Hold on I'm gonna go find people from michigan with accounts on social media just so I can be a cunt.
this is all part of the LGBT agenda
no point me to the law fucking hick
@screaming_MUFFIN consider <#418492743547879427>
Also why are you upset?
@screaming_MUFFIN shift and enter prints a carriage return
@THCVee its illegal in new york and a few other states to cyber bully based on perversion
or in other words
based on what faggo wants to pretend to be a lady
cant call someone a fag smh
oh you mean protected classes
It was supposed to be a swastica but I guess I’m brain dead lol
Prolly should have gone IntoShit posting too
if hillary clinton won i would have been in Gitmo
Yeah, probably
yeah that isnt the same, i mean when they criticise say Trump, that they could lock them up for it.
Let me just clean that up
@screaming_MUFFIN use carriage returns man, telling you
@THCVee you know who passed the bill to propgandize the american population/?
ill give u a hint
he was a nigger