Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 674777244220260363

I always had HOT PINK crosshairs I was one of the best Pro Gamers the UK had to offer

2020-02-05 21:31:59 UTC  

does anyone know if formatting an external memory card on a video camera(not phone) affects the internal memory of the camera

2020-02-05 21:33:43 UTC  

it shouldn't

2020-02-05 21:33:47 UTC  


2020-02-05 21:35:02 UTC  

yeah thats my impression but i want to be sure

2020-02-05 21:35:05 UTC  

Opinions on Joaquin Phoenix's BAFTA acceptance speech "calling out" systematic racism in Hollywood but, you know, accepting the award anyway?

2020-02-05 21:35:05 UTC  

its for my boss

2020-02-05 21:39:24 UTC  

@RoyHavenstone | Extra i think he's an anti white fag

2020-02-05 21:39:47 UTC  

i really wish braindead actors would stop posing as thinkers and activists

2020-02-05 21:55:39 UTC  

arguably why videogames are a better theatrical medium

2020-02-05 21:56:08 UTC  

you, the player, replace the actor.

2020-02-05 22:27:59 UTC  

but it's been going on with ages really like those musicians in the 80s playing for starving african children

2020-02-05 22:28:18 UTC  

little did they know it would only increase their number

2020-02-05 23:45:38 UTC  

Spartacus has died <:pepe_sad:560202541904953365>

2020-02-05 23:56:14 UTC  


2020-02-06 00:33:01 UTC  

Kirk Douglas.

2020-02-06 00:34:40 UTC  

at 103 you are allowed to clock out for good

2020-02-06 00:34:49 UTC  

Aye, good run.

2020-02-06 00:40:29 UTC  


2020-02-06 00:43:51 UTC  

well they was idiots to share anything useful with china. I'm sure that is not going to backfire in some way down the line

2020-02-06 00:47:02 UTC  

Anything shared with China or produced in China will be stolen by China.

2020-02-06 00:56:40 UTC  

that the law in china, even if a lot of people try to convince you otherwise

2020-02-06 00:58:22 UTC  

well, under socialism ideas cannot be owned. People can't even own their own bodies in China...

2020-02-06 00:59:00 UTC  

<:pepe_eyes:378719408362881024> mandatory organ extraction

2020-02-06 01:05:33 UTC  

you will not die until the government allows it and they will decide what you die of

2020-02-06 01:36:15 UTC

2020-02-06 01:36:28 UTC  

epic beard

2020-02-06 01:37:43 UTC  

Its the mustache that makes it

2020-02-06 01:37:57 UTC  

It looks comically big

mfw I have no need to eat

2020-02-06 02:37:22 UTC  

@Capitán Alatriste that’s gross

2020-02-06 02:40:08 UTC  

Furry takes

2020-02-06 04:14:20 UTC

2020-02-06 04:57:40 UTC  

-Fast attack craft 200 tons-390 tons 120-180 feet long...
-Corvette 640tons-1800 tons 220ft-290ft
-Frigate 3000 tons-5000 tons 320ft-455ft
-Destroyer 5,000-10,000 tons
-Cruiser 10,000 tons-14,000 tons 567-710ft
-Battlecruiser(only russia still uses)25,000 tons 827ft
Iowa class battleships(mothballed) 50,000 tons 887 ft...

Average Full sized Carrier 40,000 tons 830-880 ft...
American Amphibious Assault Craft(basically carriers that launch troops)
41,000 tons 843ft

Queen Elizabeth class 70,000 tons 932ft

American super carriers 110,000 tons 1,106ft

2020-02-06 04:57:57 UTC  


2020-02-06 05:00:05 UTC  

Its p cute though

2020-02-06 05:54:03 UTC  

US Navy total displacement
7,385,000 tons
Next 10 largest navies in the world combined=7,030,000 tons

2020-02-06 05:56:52 UTC  

US aircraft Carriers displacement 1,806,000 tons
Rest of the worlds carriers combined displacement 406,000 tons

2020-02-06 07:12:08 UTC  

@Fitzydog as a person with autism, you should just call a retard a retard