Message from @Sickofguessing
Discord ID: 533016371928236032
Oh goodness
@V3xxed_G1raff3 i think he gets it
Shad is bad
Shad is bad
Shad is bad
Shad is bad
Top billing
Shadbase is a toxic waste dump for pedos and incels
Jesus we've got some real fucking mongs in the chat today
Shadman's works can kill servers at will, I grant him that
🇸 🇠🇮 🇹 🇪 🇧 🇦 🇬
All of ya
@Sickofguessing pedo
How long is gulag for again? Have not been gulagged for ages.
@Sickofguessing defending shad are we?
@The Last MethBender 1 day in most cases
@Sickofguessing shitebag
I am innocent
@The Last MethBender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@The Last MethBender <@&418479903571443713>
Uuh ok
@blazn_ no one is defending shad
I dont even know who the guy is.
whatever pedo
🇸 🇠🇮 🇹 🇪 🇧 🇦 🇬
*Have not been gulagged for ages*
@The Last MethBender a day you nonce
**Have not been gulagged for ages**
***Have not been gulagged for ages***
actual rhombus
@Ryan Bricker whatever 🇵 🇪 🇩 🇴
Shitebag @Ryan Bricker
<:tism:437340219079917568> <-- this is ryan
@Ryan Bricker begone pedo