Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 533016056483151902
Then he never raped you case closed
im semi swole
I aint retarded smh
why are you all having a war over shad?
🤔 🤔
cause hes literally in this discord
against not over
@spreeeeeeeee dont think for a second you're fooling anyone
but isnt this discord anti loli
can we hit ten fakes
Because he makes fucked up shit
DAE remember that paediatrician that got burned to death by chavs a few years back?
Shad is bad end of discussion
i hate when people go under cover as themselves
Oh hey its Shad
@spreeeeeeeee pedo lol
Oh goodness
@V3xxed_G1raff3 i think he gets it
Shad is bad
Shad is bad
Shad is bad
Top billing
Shadbase is a toxic waste dump for pedos and incels
Jesus we've got some real fucking mongs in the chat today
Shadman's works can kill servers at will, I grant him that
🇸 🇠🇮 🇹 🇪 🇧 🇦 🇬
All of ya
@Sickofguessing pedo
How long is gulag for again? Have not been gulagged for ages.
@Sickofguessing defending shad are we?
@The Last MethBender 1 day in most cases
@Sickofguessing shitebag
I never did anything!
I am innocent
@The Last MethBender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯