Message from @Snuffnuts
Discord ID: 537783003108081674
I assure you know whitey will be left alone
tea for mod is a bad idea
no soy, will not be kicked
*server notification settings: nothing*
If you vote soup, you're voting against your interests
For the righteous prophet, SOUP
<@&418222331958394880> Run "+giveme porn" in <#537756265707864085> to avoid the big homo
<@&418222331958394880> DON'T TRUST BONK, SUPPORT SOUP!
Yeah I love sexual harassment
I'm never going to vote for someone who pings the whitey people
Soup time
lmao fuck you jim
how will the traps be affected by this vote?
<@&418222331958394880> don't trust soup, vote moon for mod.
they wont be gay
you will be bullied
who do i vote for to not get yeeted?
don’t be faggots
the only exempt tranny is thoop
@Pip not at all if you vote Soup time
@Pip none of them.
+giveme pron all the say @Pip
How to be less pathetic :
Step 1 : open <#537756265707864085>
Step 2 : write "+giveme soup"
Step 3 : Profit
soup gang rise up
Soup time
I wont kick you
unless you break a rule
Who do I vote for if I want all tranny lovers to get banned ?
@Ikea-Chan faggot cant even @ properly
Yo what’s going on?