Message from @V3xxed_G1raff3
Discord ID: 538288332480839683
@coattailsandbowties ingot gifted nitro again
@Tea how's the knee?
your knee still fucked tea?
Old man <:GWqlabsKek:393085130219978752>
@coattailsandbowties I only see the option for the 10 euro nitro?
its fucking updating
The old man is weak
Kill him while he sleeps
@coattailsandbowties bad, physio had to cancel and rearrange to 3pm
Who the fuck uses discord as a distributioner?a
I want rights!
Hope it goes well mate @Tea
Thats some actual autism
<a:crabRave:533648909432520706> <@&418222331958394880> <a:crabRave:533648909432520706>
Im out boys
@ThottimusPrime you ever get any fuck caused injuries?
@coattailsandbowties I'll show you on snap. Add me.
Cya Todd.
I have another kai
@Tea what is it
Have a good day and dont die
bye todd
@Tea a wanty see
Hey kids
@Tewdrig no but I'm open to trying
I still wanna know the answer to that one
@ThottimusPrime mark of a man is fucking through the foot arch cramp. Tea fucked through his knee being shattered in 58 places. Like fuckin' gravel it was. Damn shame, but he held on.
Dinnae laugh.