Message from @ThottimusPrime
Discord ID: 538288247999037440
What's the ratio of whities to server population?
And don't deserve
@Trapmaker is a revisionist counter-revolutionary and must be purged
- Whities Rise up!
- Mahatma Gangweed 2019
Hold up let me waste 10 euro real quick.
Get cheap nitro
Games are pointless anyway
@coattailsandbowties ingot gifted nitro again
@Tea how's the knee?
your knee still fucked tea?
Old man <:GWqlabsKek:393085130219978752>
@coattailsandbowties I only see the option for the 10 euro nitro?
its fucking updating
The old man is weak
@coattailsandbowties bad, physio had to cancel and rearrange to 3pm
Who the fuck uses discord as a distributioner?a
I want rights!
Hope it goes well mate @Tea
Thats some actual autism
<a:crabRave:533648909432520706> <@&418222331958394880> <a:crabRave:533648909432520706>
aight im not playing vr
Im out boys
@ThottimusPrime you ever get any fuck caused injuries?
@coattailsandbowties I'll show you on snap. Add me.
Cya Todd.
I have another kai
@Tea what is it
Have a good day and dont die