Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 538875658911350845
that's why the fahrenheit doesnt make sense
@A Random D|ckhead That's celcius for ya
Tbh the F vs C thing in here is as old and boring as the "are traps gay" thing
America: The Greatest Nation Ever.
Can we have a measurement using the boiling and freezing point for piss
they use that in australia
potentially popular opinion: UK and USA QWERTY keyboards should have a two new buttons added, one that's ° and becomes √ when you press the shift key, and another that's a miniature 2 (squared) and becomes a miniature 3 (cubed)
Have fun
We xan already write those things
I don't have a keyboard so it don't matter
The squared and cubed
WAAAAAAAAAA <:soy:513660596189659136> <:bloodcry:536844962936127498>
Whats with the bazooka memes?
Asking the real questions
fucking idiots
why you not vote Bonk now, Tea?
bonk Gay
don’t need a better answer
everyone is gay
Bonk's been posting porn amd that's it
You ever look at the train tracks and wonder what it’d be like to jump
But bonk is the super gay
Bonk can’t even be arsed to show up in general
Porn is immoral.
He's not cmpaining, i almoat forgot he was in the race
you think he will actually do anything?
Bonk would probably use what I like to call "benign neglect"
aka doing absolutely nothing
that t pose LMAO