Message from @Norwegian Black Metal
Discord ID: 312115265825406976
generation snowflake
but yeah most of them are worthless
what are you stupid lazy kids doing shouldn't you be at work right now don't you know papa needs his SS!
The far left jumped the shark back when GamerGate became a thing. Then they rode that fucker into a Sharknado and have been there since.
fucking lazy ipad generation
@boris true
i'm 68
ya there is a small % that has there shit together but the majority is fuckd
im gen x grandpa
yeah your a millennial
which millenials should i beat
>Gen Y Uncle of 2
gen x here
I've heard some say that gen x is 1980 to 1999 and some say its to 1995 and others 2000
millenials made gayness and trannies ok
I am gen x too I think all of us are
gas is the only answer
and niggers okay
u are too
I hate my generation daily. Most of them.
we all do
the babyboomers are mostly cuckservative too
gen x was an expirament
no im in my 30s son
@Norwegian Black Metal were you born between 1980 and 1999?
u are millennial
gen x
dont use your jewish wizardry on me millenial scum
wheks u really 68
i will not die with you
u rae grandpa kek or am i grandpa kek
what did you say little punk i'm an a american served in the reserves for thirty years what do you millenials know about hard work
millenials in my opinoin is people born in the 90s
I thought Gen X was mid 60s to mid 80s.
no that is boomers
ok im dad kek
born in the 80s