Message from @Tit
Discord ID: 542362549572599808
@Crawfoot stop begging for pics of tea fag
fuck you lance
you fucking femboy, go die in a ditch
Why always gay
Dont gay
Im 17.5 stone last time I checked
i probably have more testosterone than you @Crawfoot
5'9 at 150ish lbs and some muscle, could be thinner to get that pure ottermode but ehhh
@Not Kebab unit mate
I know lol
Real Testos Hours
you look good though
Got sum wholesomeness in here for once
You're all gay
Shut it
On my phone
Hands are shaking
Y tho
I couldn't tell if you were trying to say fat or gay
@Tit fuck out you fucking shrew
@V3xxed_G1raff3 you have testosterone like Kai has food
fucking none
Kai <:omegalul:431263624129019915>
@Crawfoot still more than you
@GabeTheKid ill smack you
get necked
michelle obama is more of a man than you craw
The true unit here is Dazzie
my testosterone levels are so high you dont even understand
My government teacher is practically a commie
I'm the biggest unit.
Trolling libtards epic style
You're a big unit coats aye