Message from @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼

Discord ID: 447694897756241920

under capitalism we follow an idealist set of morality

so yes morality right now is wishy washy

2018-05-20 09:35:59 UTC  


2018-05-20 09:36:27 UTC  

Ownership and life are important and concrete. Other things are less certain

this set of morality doesn't really talk about material conditions.

2018-05-20 09:36:39 UTC  


it's wishy washy

it's based on how you define 'human'

2018-05-20 09:36:53 UTC  


or when 'gametes' become human

which is disagreeable

or when theyre 'alive'

or 'feel pain'

2018-05-20 09:37:12 UTC  


ok lets step it back why is murder wrong?

2018-05-20 09:37:27 UTC  

How are these relevant in the slightest?

i'm gonna demonstrate how

why is murder wrong

so much that every society disagrees with it.

2018-05-20 09:38:57 UTC  

Murder is just killing without a valid reason. Doesn't matter why it's wrong, if you are unable to understand it.

yes but now you have to *show* what a valid reason is and for pro-choice people they *have* valid reasons that you just dont *think are valid* so your entire argument is subjective

2018-05-20 09:39:59 UTC  

No, I do not.

2018-05-20 09:40:11 UTC  

There are medical rules

2018-05-20 09:40:18 UTC  

"do no harm"

2018-05-20 09:40:42 UTC  

If a life is at risk, you can end one to save it.

now you see where pain goes into this

you said 'harm'

harm is a form of pain

2018-05-20 09:40:52 UTC  

So like conjoined twins

therefore your argument is based on 'pain'

2018-05-20 09:40:58 UTC  


so now we argue

2018-05-20 09:41:03 UTC  

Harm is damage

do fetus feel pain?

2018-05-20 09:41:31 UTC  

wrong argument

harm is 'damage'

2018-05-20 09:41:41 UTC  

hurt is pain

so society does damage to the life of the women by refusing them the right to an abortion. socioeconomic damage and psychological damage if they are unprepared to have children, so that means society is doing something wrong this is the pro-choice argument

2018-05-20 09:42:26 UTC  

"do fetus feel pain?" Also, this is irrelevant.

their argument is no less valid then your 'harm' argument