Message from @Diokun

Discord ID: 522317947700641794

2018-12-12 07:37:37 UTC  

night @Donaldus Triumphus may you crush your enemies in your dreams

2018-12-12 07:37:52 UTC  

nah, it seems people have bad leaders, so they conclude they shouldn't have leaders anymore...

2018-12-12 07:37:53 UTC  

That isn't a dream

2018-12-12 07:38:04 UTC  

GM: So you don’t view this as a big government/small government dilemma, as it’s often framed, but whose interests the government is ultimately serving?

RP: Powerful individuals and their corporations are simply aware that small streamlined governments are easier to control. The “small government advocates” want to privatize all the constructive functions — water, roads, schools, and medicine — and to limit government to taxing, policing, and war-making, but with the unstated function of defining property rights with a class bias. The power functions, taxing, policing, and war-making, can’t be privatized, because they have no constructive social function. The destructive powers of corporations were widely recognized 200 years ago, but skilled ideological construction has shifted the fear of bigness away from corporations, toward “government,” when government threatened to interfere with their power. Constructive social functions can be performed cooperatively, and borders or size limitations are probably irrelevant.

2018-12-12 07:38:18 UTC  

hahahah honestly @Donaldus Triumphus is a g

2018-12-12 07:38:20 UTC  

its like bitcoins folks. because our centralized system is a fraud, they conclude that every centralized system is bad, which is idiotic.

2018-12-12 07:39:22 UTC  

its like: you have a bad nurse. conclusion: we should no longer have nurses.

2018-12-12 07:39:51 UTC  

yeah that's why I don't understand most forms of anarchy

2018-12-12 07:40:03 UTC  

if the goal is population happiness

2018-12-12 07:41:48 UTC  

@Nikitis governments are mostly serving their own political interests now. And utilities can be privatised and have significant social functions.
From whence have you acquired that cancerous fluff?

2018-12-12 07:42:56 UTC  


2018-12-12 07:43:00 UTC  

Ok then

2018-12-12 07:43:50 UTC  

Sad sad stuff

2018-12-12 07:43:53 UTC  

Governments serve social functions, denial of that is pretty silly. Roads, water, access to healthcare, many functions need a centralized body that doesn't care about profit

2018-12-12 07:44:17 UTC  

access to healthcare?

2018-12-12 07:44:28 UTC  

everyone has access to healthcare

2018-12-12 07:44:36 UTC  

yes, partially because of the government

2018-12-12 07:44:58 UTC  

no everyone has access to healthcare like everyone has access to the damn shopping mall

2018-12-12 07:45:00 UTC  

One example of a utility that has been privatized is internet. Now how is that going?

2018-12-12 07:45:02 UTC  

the whole big government vs small government is a waste of time. (whatever those terms means). the real discussion should be: "we should determine or own elites" vs "no, we should allow china to buy the loyalty of every rich man in USA"

2018-12-12 07:45:08 UTC  

it's a service that anyone can buy

2018-12-12 07:45:37 UTC  

and made more accessible to poor people through the government, thus making it more accessible

2018-12-12 07:45:38 UTC  

the internet was never a regulated public utility before net neutraility and it functions alright either way

2018-12-12 07:45:51 UTC  

I know, and it's a really shitty utility because of it

2018-12-12 07:45:55 UTC  

no it isnt

2018-12-12 07:45:59 UTC  

because, at least in America, it has become so monopolized

2018-12-12 07:46:06 UTC  

yeah it's incredibly overpriced

2018-12-12 07:46:16 UTC  

monopolized regionally I should say

2018-12-12 07:46:20 UTC  

you should say "ISPs" if you're talking about isps

2018-12-12 07:46:35 UTC  

yes, sorry, I'm talking about ISPs because that's how you get internet

2018-12-12 07:46:36 UTC  

the problem is not that it is monopolized. but that USA hasn't determined its own elites

2018-12-12 07:46:39 UTC  

dont just say THE INTERNET because I can't tell what the fuck you're talking about

2018-12-12 07:46:41 UTC  

therefore, CHINA did.

2018-12-12 07:47:03 UTC  

the only utility we can buy that gives us access to the internet, if you can't deduce that (which you did), then I can't help people who think that slow

2018-12-12 07:47:12 UTC  

internet would likely be slower and more expensive as a gov utiltiy, though I agree that ISPs are whores

2018-12-12 07:47:21 UTC  

if you don't create your own upper-class CHINA (or another) will. there is no escape from this reality!

2018-12-12 07:47:52 UTC  

the fact is that supplying internet to the whole country is just really fucking difficult and expensive. It will have problems.

2018-12-12 07:47:54 UTC  

and they will pretend to be USA upper-class, off-course

2018-12-12 07:48:09 UTC  

but they are loyal to CHINA

2018-12-12 07:48:31 UTC  

I don't think you can control who your upper-class is in a free market economy.