Message from @chad
Discord ID: 539259566760919051
But yea some people just do hate working but I think it's wrong for him to say "nobody likes working"
well if someone came up to me and said hey, i'll give you your yearly wage for free and you never have to work again I would do it
Your job gives you a purpose in life and a lot of people's social lives revolve around their job
That's why there's a lot of people who could retire if they want to, but still work because they love it
Money is far and away the reason people work as much as they do
A guy named Don who I work with retired 2 years ago
Command economies almost always fail
But came back to work again since he missed it so much
Even though he already has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life
He isn't doing it for money he does it because he misses working
Because they fail to take into account needs and other things adequately
Working can provide personal fulfillment but money is what brings people back to jobs they may not like but are important economically
Yeah exactly
Not everyone can do what they love and get what they need at the same time
Working becomes their life in a way
Now imo the current work week should be reduced
But that’s not a reason to get rid of the labor market entirely
Work week?
What's wrong with it
40 hours a week isn't bad, 8 hours of work 8 hours of free time
If hours keep shortening people will have to rely on multiple jobs to live
Lower income people who work jobs that pay an hourly rate often try to get as many hours as possible since the more hours = the more money, and since they aren't getting paid a lot and need as much as they can get
My friend keeps begging for overtime since he works 35 hours a week and that's not enough for him to live off of since we work low skilled jobs
The economy has been so fucked for the past 15-20 years it's really sad
During the 50's and 60's all of the high paying jobs were low skill easy to get factory jobs
Now in days you have to be a fucking nerd or a math genius to get the high paying jobs which are in the tech industry
It's unfair for people like me who aren't really smart and prefer working physical jobs rather than tech jobs. All our jobs will eventually be gone due to robots and there will be another workers uprising
Fucking commies man
struggle is an essential part of life
even before we are born.
Not to mention that people always choose to take more free time the more money they have. *Real* wealth redistribution might make a lot of people happy for a while, but the nation's industry and infrastructure would soon grind to a halt and collapse.
Money and freedom do not buy happiness and fulfillment.
Good Mornting
Hallelujer Lort
@chad there is no “the economy”