Message from @Robzombie
Discord ID: 477433696975060994
jaaa ou dirk
wdf is hierdie chatroom?
ag is maar n plek vir ons om oor die land se kak te praat i guess
klink na 'n kak gedagte, ek gaan nou fokof en bier drrink iewers in die winterson
nee mar mooi, geniet hom!
hierdie is nogal 'n cool app, ek het my eie server begin Jagse slette van Suid Afrika
HAHAHA yaasss
@dirkdonkerbal Jis, jou ou trul vel.
@dirkdonkerbal Ek dink nie jou server gaan so lekker werk nie, 95% van Discord gebruikers is dudes.
As jy wil p* optel stel ek die kerk voor, hulle chick:dude ratio is REG, en daai kinders wil hê!
Jy kan my later bedank 👌
I can’t see sheet
~ @Klipkop (Clip-Cop) switches the light on
Hello at Skiddy ... I can't see anything either. I get the message but when I come to the thread, its blank?
hmmm thats weird
Think it might be working now
Yes, now I can see the chat history.
I am told that @AcidOverride is the Admin for the server. I have no problems, running on PC.
I made history available 😃
@AcidOverride Thank you.
Liberals don’t like to debate...
wow huh....he feels strongly about this....why though, scared much?
Social Anxiety...
I’d rather have him saw his drawing arm off that looks at his ridiculous left cartoons
Arm off would be an improvement
Liberals don’t like debating because it allows their follows to hear another point of view...
You have to make a Cartoon about the arm cutting @Jerm !!! Ill even throw in a few extra patreon moola to see that one!!!! LOL
@MikeyMike I second that
Thanks @MikeyMike . No need to up your Patreon game. You're doing more than enough! I'll give it some thought.
Tell you what, if I get another patron today, then I'll draw it:
maybe i am misinterpreting his cartoons, but he doesn't seem left....what makes him left?
@Jerm I saw that today, I was wondering where it all started. You origin story if you will.
@Tom_Servo We have a long and colourful history. He's seen as the cleancut popular kid of cartooning, while I'm seen as the punk-anarchist kid (true story - I was labelled that a few months ago).I'm going to make a video about it soon. I'll post it first to my Patreon page.
It's well established that Zapiro has multiple prestigious art degrees. I failed art at UCT.
Anyway, I'm on a deadline (for Rapport). Will pop in again later.
@Robzombie Zapiro is left by his own admission. In fact, he has said publicly that he is "progressive".