Message from @Robzombie
Discord ID: 479253029095211008
@Robzombie The list is possibly incomplete, but it comes from the Dept Of Land Reform. That there is a list is the problem; not what's in the list.
Great chat between @Willem Petzer and Ernst
Lol he’s gana expose us🙈😂
Just what I was thinking too. 👻
What is should read, "There is an interesting band of brothers emerging here that I do not agree with, on Twitter, and in real life. Very vocal in their ways and says. Full of fire. Not unlinked to the “liberal” fightback in the DA. I will write about it soon."
"I will write about it soon", like is writing has some sort of magical power
@Roovdwalt dankie man
@Jerm I don't know what he's thinking. Trying to frame everyone who disagrees as "alt right" and writinga piece about it will only humiliate him.
All that says to me... is the right is finally gaining traction... enough for them to be forced to take note and have to start counteracting your actions. So just keep doing what you are doing, it's working.
sooooo look at this page and tell me what you guys think
@Robzombie seen it countless times, nothing new, thinks anyone who does not agree with them are "Alt-Right"
jup!! i have been following this page for a couple of months since they had like 1k likes. this is probably the most leftist page i have ever seen. their comments, posts and everything....the devil lies in the detail.... i even suspect that some of the profiles that are active on the page are not real but what is more interesting is most of them are either from Durbs or Cpt. The page is run by "young educated activists" as they call them selves, with the name The Geoff. Another thing which is interesting is the one admin is an Ausi liberal, his profile is riddled by anti right, thus questioning if the page is truly run by SA'ns. If you go through their comments you will notice how they ('active ones') like to change peoples words/sentences around and how they like to bait racism. a classic left tactic that they use is to generalize everything and take things out of context.....
Its same shit different day. They are just a little bit more radical than most.
yeah they are a bit more radical.....
on another note i just read Minnie is dead.....that doesn't sound like a coincidence to me
Yeah "Suicide"....
The left will be the first to die
"ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe told News24 in an exclusive interview that the Constitution must be amended to limit land ownership to 12 000 hectares per farm owner, and white farmers who own more than that should hand over the rest to the state without compensation." wtf
I say, lets just go to war now and get it over with
@AcidOverride I agree
@AcidOverride yeah read that as well.....sooo is just me or is the ANC back tracking from their original modus operandi because they fear war.....or maybe that is just a complete lie and they are just saying this to calm the status quo
The article says "One of the ways EWC could be implemented".... What he is saying is that this is one of the ideas on EWC and not set in stone
exactly! again no clear and cut way forward...always curve balls to throw us of from the truth
@AcidOverride Do you think we are at a point where war is inevitable, or do you think cool heads can still prevail?
Second question, how do you think landowners would do in a war?
@Tom_Servo one thing is for sure.....the boere are not going to stand back and watch how a gov just takes land without is not our way and our culture. we don't giving land for my father taught me NOTHING is for free in life not even the air you breath....hope that answers your question
@Tom_Servo At some point the balloon has to pop... I think people are reaching that point where they have no other way to turn to. War is realistic in my opinion, however, when you look at the numbers, can a minority really make a real difference in a war? Lastly, People tent to really have an impact when their backs are against the wall and when you are fighting for your survival, you have a purpose and with purpose comes determination.
@Robzombie Doesn't really answer it at all actually... but I think you are prob right in what you do say
But those who do start a war will be labelled terrorists
@Roovdwalt funny enough, go to any boer now and tell him "but we are out numbered" that boer will simply reply "so were we in blood river, history tends to repeat itself"
@Robzombie exactly, and that is why I say determination plays a big factor in any war
I also believe Farmers are smarter and can outwit our useless military
@Roovdwalt It's hard to see a war result go any way other than to those who control the army here... I know our army isn't the greatest force anymore, but I reckon landowners are simply outgunned (forget the numbers).
Doubt much support would come from abroad. We aren't that strategically important anymore.
@Tom_Servo I disagree on support, I think they would get support. I am optimistic enough to believe some governments around the globe will come to their senses, maybe not immediately, but soon enough.
There are secret groups currently being commissioned (as well as voluntary) to protect farms. And I'm not talking about random guys with guns. Those who believe farmers are on their own, are mistaken.
Of course, I could also be talking rubbish. *wink*